MJ Advocates Open letters to MainStream Media (pls sign the petition and tell other fans too)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Target: All Media Domains
Sponsored by: MJ Advocates Worldwide

MJ said it himself that he did not wish to be called "Wacko Jacko".

WE, the undersigned are requesting the worldwide media cease from using any nicknames, slurs or negative epitaphs in regards to Michael Jackson. Always proud of his family, Michael was very much adamant about being referred by his family surname: Jackson

We will update the petition with translations as we receive them.

Open Letter On Behalf of Michael Jackson Fans to the Mainstream Media Dear Worldwide Mainstream Media,

We, the Michael Jackson fanbase, are keenly aware that the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy.The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. And although this code of ethics is voluntary, the majority of journalists embrace this code, believing that professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

The Michael Jackson fan base is asking for a worldwide media ban of the use of the term "Jacko". Rooted in racism and negativity, the name plants the suggestion of "Wacko Jacko" widely used by tabloids to identify Michael Jackson prior to death. The media's use of this name directly contradicts professional journalists' code of ethics. There is no "public enlightenment" with the use of the term "Jacko". There is no truth to the name "Jacko" and there certainly is no provision for a fair or comprehensive account of any event or issue surrounding Michael Jackson.

The name "Jacko", when used by journalists has two priorities: ratings and revenue. Additionally, the name is used to sway public opinion. In a heightened age of mistrust of the media by the public, it is imperative that journalists truly use their sense of professional integrity, including avoiding the use of headline grabbing names that harm the subject or those related to him.

Leading the way are Elysa Gardner from USA Today and CBS News, both of whom changed their headline from "Jacko" to "Jackson" when asked. We are asking for the rest of the mainstream media to follow suit. Journalists should see this as an act of human dignity, both for themselves as professionals, and for Michael Jackson and his family.

The Undersigned

Letter from Dr. Patrick Treacy:

I wholeheartedly support this substantial effort to prohibit the use of the name 'Jacko' in the media when referring to the late Michael Jackson. In reality, this level of offense has continued for quite a period as there are two types of media presently functioning in western society. One embraces objectivity and sees its function to provide credible news commentaries primarily written for its listeners and readers. This type of professional reporter is usually devoid of having to please advertisers with high volume of sales, television audience management (TAM ratings) or ABC numbers. The other type of reporter pens stories that are written solely to please advertisers. These are usually subjective, lack credibility and often push the very limits of legality. Their information sources usually lack proper credentials and may be untrustworthy. Unfortunately, most people in society are poorly informed or inadequately educated and sometimes may not be able to differentiate between the subjective components of the believability of a source or message. The media plays with the minds of these people solely to generate sales of their publications. To achieve high volume they must write about someone who a lot of people know. The absence of regulation in this marketplace leads to gross defamation of character and this is legally easier whenever the person in question is deceased. This media induced misconception once even caused me to prevent Michael from visiting a paediatric hospital, (where I once worked as a junior doctor)to see some children who were recently firebombed in a car and who were left with horrific scars. As he took off his wig and showed me his own burn injuries, I too felt his pain of how the media had treated him so unfairly. I knew that the noble intention of his visit would be used by them. On another occasion, I was contacted and offered a substantial sum to say he used drugs. The worst of this as yet unfolding saga has still to come and I await with some trepidation to what new level the media will stoop to disrespect possibly the greatest humanitarian that the World has recently witnessed. Dr. Patrick Treacy Medical Director Ailesbury Clinics Ltd. Suite 6 Merrion Court Ailesbury Road Dublin 4 IRELAND

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You know the letter should explain the meaning of "Jacko" in the American context, but I guess it is too late to add that.
You know the letter should explain the meaning of "Jacko" in the American context, but I guess it is too late to add that.

Yeah, that would had served as a reference to the "racism & negativity" statement made on the letter. Too late now.

I'm signing anyway.