MJ - A normal life after BAD?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you think Michael when leaving the stage in LA of 89 Bad tour for the final time should of stopped quit the Music scene , done dusted..... for his own sake!!!?

Michael was at the top and had just finished his first solo huge world tour, Michael said this is his final tour...then it's films. So what happend ? Should Michael of got out the Music business got out of the lime-light and go behind the camara as a director, instead of becoming an even bigger star with horrible conciquences (bigger the star bigger the target).

Yes we fans and the world would of missed out on some amazing and beautiful songs and albums, concerts, short films etc, but Michael may have had an easier free life making some good films every now and again. Would Michael still be here today?

But after saying that, Michael done it his way he did become bigger more controversial more powerful and the most famous man in the world - yes he isn't here now because of it, because the world and the industry got to him but to be the best and that famous you have to put your life on the line and Michael knew this he knew he wouldn't be here forever but he knew his music, art and legecy would be. He had a hard life but because of it he is in the history books and will be remembered for a very very long time.

What do you think ? Should Michael have stepped out away from Music as a director to perhaps have an easier free life. Or stick to the Music ?
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I don't think we really have as much choice in life as we might think. I think Michael was given a gift, by God and a purpose. If he may have wanted to do something else, he might have found that he didn't have the ability or resources to go to another field. He might have wanted to do films, but maybe those were not the cards dealt to him. He had to play the deck that was given him. Some might say, 'I'd love to have that deck', but really? The pain...the suffering.....I remember him not really wanting to go onstage when he was little, but his father pushed him onstage. I remember something contrasting...that his father wanted to work the Jacksons band without Michael, but Michael actually wanted to be part of it. Many contrasts. Perhaps something bigger controlled him, after all. He predicted Thriller would sell twenty million. Instead..it sold at least forty million. So..perhaps, people just don't have the control they think they have over their lives. That's just an observation, on my part, that i cannot prove. Perhaps even if a person says they've done it their way, like Frank Sinatra, for example, i'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to make the mistakes he made. I know i am rambling, but i hope i said the point i wanted to express..

All in all, one would hope to make the best impression and serve the most positive purpose possible, as Michael did.
He still had a lot of music in him, he couldn't have quit if he wanted to. He said he was done with touring, but he did the Dangerous tour to raise money for his Heal the World Foundation.
Maybe other celebrities could step out of the spotlight but I'm not sure if it was possible for Michael Jackson. I mean, in 2009 he still was chased and crowds gathered around the shops he did shopping in, although he hadn't released a new studio album for almost a decade.

Maybe he could have moved to some quite place in Europe, but I'm not sure if he could have totally stepped out of if.
I don't know if he was even wired that way. He had a lot of other interests and goals, but ultimately music was not only what he did, but was who he was. He was made of music, you could even say tortured by it; ideas were constantly pouring into him. Touring and the business side of the music biz, yeah I could see him taking a break cuz that wears you down, I guess actually he did when you look back at the active segments of his career. Who knows if he ever would've been able to truly step away from music itself, even if he did divert his attention to other interests...