MJ 200 years from now.

How will MJ be remembered 200 years from now?

  • As the greatest artists who ever lived.

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • As one of the greatest artists who ever lived.

    Votes: 16 51.6%
  • As a good artist for his time.

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Something else.

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Oct 5, 2021
How do you think MJ will be remembered 200 years from now? Would love to hear your opinions.
I think he will be pretty much forgotten. History erases almost everything.
None of us know, clearly.

But most likely, people will barely remember.

Think back to music from 1824 - I'm sure some of those were touted as "the best artist of all time". But where are they know? Most people on this board couldn't name one singer or musician who was alive 200 years ago.
200 years. If we go back 200 years to 1824 people were moving in carriages and used candle light to illuminate the house. There were also pigeons used for mailing and at night workers manually removed peopleā€™s cesspool because there were no flush toilets or sewers.

200 years from nowā€¦ I can only fantasize what the world will look like but it will be vastly different compared to now. Itā€™s just sad that I wonā€™t be around to witness it.
200 years in the future, climate change will turn asphalt around the world liquid and cause Hot Street to become a huge hit.
Not sure if I should laugh or cry, people should really listen to Earth Song more.

Thank you all for your answers.
Other things to consider.

  1. Inflation will mean any records today will be easily surpassed in the future (Ā£1 back then is worth Ā£92 now, so buying a CD or subscribing to a month of streaming in 2224 might cost $1400, and a single concert ticket might be $58,000). Trillionaires will be common. So people won't be impressed that a tour made 10 million.
  2. Everything will be out of copyright, so it's in the interests of the music "industry" to make people forget about old music so that they can make a profit from new music.
  3. Maybe music won't even be a valid firm of entertainment by then, the same way cockfighting and ventriloquism aren't as popular now as they used to be
So let's not get carried away with any claims about people being immortal.
Not sure if I should laugh or cry, people should really listen to Earth Song more.

Thank you all for your answers.
climate change is real and it could be too late
Daniel Brooks: Yeah, thatā€™s right. It is conceivable that if all of humanity suddenly decided to change its behavior, right now, we would emerge after 2050 with most everything intact, and we would be ā€œOK.ā€ We donā€™t think thatā€™s realistic. It is a possibility, but we donā€™t think thatā€™s a realistic possibility. We think that, in fact, most of humanity is committed to business as usual, and thatā€™s what weā€™re really talking about: What can we begin doing now to try to shorten the period of time after the collapse, before we ā€œrecoverā€?
2224....we'll all be long gone & our so will our great great grandkids. I doubt the world will make it that far
None of us know, clearly.

But most likely, people will barely remember.

Think back to music from 1824 - I'm sure some of those were touted as "the best artist of all time". But where are they know? Most people on this board couldn't name one singer or musician who was alive 200 years ago.
Mozart, Tchaikovsky. MJ will be remembered just like them
Think back to music from 1824 - I'm sure some of those were touted as "the best artist of all time". But where are they know? Most people on this board couldn't name one singer or musician who was alive 200 years ago.
Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Beethoven..?
Even people who are not into classical music have at least heard about them or heard some of their compositions at least once (if not hundreds of times, their music is still being played all the time).
Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Beethoven..?
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was first performed in 1824. But you can't tell me who played it...

Even at the time it was written, there's still a good chance people wouldn't know who was performing - remember that in 1824, you might only have heard your favourite piece of music once, ie live, with no other way to listen.
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was first performed in 1824. But you can't tell me who played it...

Even at the time it was written, there's still a good chance people wouldn't know who was performing - remember that in 1824, you might only have heard your favourite piece of music once, ie live, with no other way to listen.
But MJ isn't only an interpreter, he's also the songwriter behind many of his songs, it's like saying we won't remember who covered Billie Jean in some pub back in 1984, no one would know either, but everyone remembers who the song came from.
it's like saying we won't remember who covered Billie Jean in some pub back in 1984
It's not like just some random cover.

The music industry is simply very different. For thousands of years, there was no definitive version of a song. There wasn't an original version or an original performer. Live performance, by whoever was performing a piece that week, was the only exposure to music.

You simply couldn't buy songs on demand like that. The only way you could listen to a piece of music for a second time was if you bought the piano sheet music and learned to play it yourself.

That's why singers weren't held up as gods the way they are now. And with time, all hype fades. In 1824, Tom Spring was considered the best boxer of all time. In the 1950s Rocky Marciano was considered the best boxer of all time. In the 1960s, it was Muhammad Ali. In the 1990s it was Mike Tyson. In 2010 people would say Floyd Mayweather. It's just hype. The promoter is always gonna hype up the current cashcow.

It's the reason that Frank Sinatra was called the best singer of all time in the 1940s, Aretha Franklin was called the best singer of all time in the 1960s, MJ was called the best singer of all time in the 1980s, and Taylor Swift is called the best singer of all time in the 2020s.

Firstly, it's not a competition.

Secondly, don't fall for the hype.
MJ 200 years from now:
he will be seen as the greatest artist who ever lived, because finally Righting HIStory is out
forget 200 years. in 5-10 years it will be all ai & impersonators. history will be completely rewritten, and the truth will be buried. itā€™s already happening now, and fans have themselves to blame. Iā€™m good with what I have, but the next generations wonā€™t be so fortunate Iā€™m afraid.. šŸ˜©
He'll be remembered for his greatest record of course, Invincible.

People will finally understand it by then