missing michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


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Sweetie... :heart:
We all miss him..
I miss him..
We can all switch sidewalk, but we can never come really over the other sidewalk.. If you know what I mean..
God, I don't know what to say, but I wish he was here with me..
25th June 2009 was the worst day of my life...
We all cried all day, I cried all day .. I cried so much that I was about to kill myself..
A part of me was gone and my personality change too much..
:( :( :( :( :( :(
But you have to know that we are all here for each other.
If you need to talk, just come to me :huggy:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Funny you choosed No Air.. I heard that song some days ago and it made me think of Michael..
Beautiful videos, thanks for sharing! There isn't a day I don't miss Michael but also a day I don't love Michael either - a very special man that touched my heart and life, not so long ago actually - always admired and respected this amazing genius talnt and human being but didn't become a fan till fairly recently but when the 'something' clicked on boy did it ever click!

While I love the song "I'll be There" and it is beautiful yet its sadly always gonna carry a sadness for me and a psychological association for me because it was the song they played on morning TV right after they announced the shock news that Michael had passed away and I sat down and sobbed my heart out - where's all this coming from I fleetingly thought as not a fan at the time but yet so obviously deeply affected me nonetheless! Since reading "Dancing the Dream", the love for the man grew and grew as much as it had always been there for the entertainer!

So yes I miss him so very much but those moments of sadness also have their moments of happiness too and to remember Michael always with so much love and gratitude he gave us his all!
its just im not very well at the moment and havent been out for ages and i am soo tired from the bordum but now its from the pain in my hand :(and when im not very well all i want is michaels essence :yes: thank you to little suzie aswell :)
I feel angry and upset and sick and exhausted... I miss him so, so much today. So much it made me feel so angry and bitter. I have hardly ever felt this way before, and I hate it. I am usually sad, blue... but bitter and angry is really so bad, so destructive.

I hate all this situation.
I hate the fact there is nothing I can change.
I hate the way my feelings play with me and I hate I can't control this at time.

Oh, dear Lord... I miss him so, so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am really missing him today myself. It was just this afternoon I was back to really crying over him and how much I was missing him. And just wishing so much I was dead now. Because I just really hate living anymore. I used to L.O.V.E. life so much when we still had him. But now I just plainly hate living and just want to be with Michael now it is all that I want now. Especially since I can no longer feel any sort of happiness now. What is the point of living when you can't feel any happiness anymore. Dr. Death forever took my main source of happiness away from me. Thanks to that murderer I am now totally the opposite of how I used to be. :sad: :boohoo: And I just really hate feeling sad, miserable, depressed, sick, and angry all of the time now.
Yes, I know. It is very difficult. I go through phases where I cry over him (rare for me to cry, since I'm not the emotive type) only to follow up with numbness, which is closer to how I really am on the inside, but whenever I think of him, I get the urge to cry. It seldom happens that I do recognize and give in to emotion, but when it rains it pours, like they say.

I feel the loss in a different way. It's really quite difficult to explain. It's the feeling that something's gone, and I am sure all of you have also felt it, but that is how I feel it most. Yet at times, I feel as if he's still here, somehow, still here with us, although we can't see or hear him. I don't think he would abandon us, and I can feel him sometimes. I am sure the rest of you must at times feel him too. That makes the loss easier to deal with, but he is still, well, lost. :(

Still, I think of him every day, and I love him every day, and I will, until the day I die.
I cried nearly every night for a full year after he passed, I didn't even cry to that extent when my mother died. I even dremed of him at least 2-4 nights a week. Then, after that year came around, May 2010, the pain ceased a bit, it wasn't as bad anymore. But every once in a while I still cry. Reading this thread has got me choked-up, yet knowing that we are all sharing eachother's grief si one thing I'm thankful for. Thanks for the support, everyone.
I am really missing him today myself. It was just this afternoon I was back to really crying over him and how much I was missing him. And just wishing so much I was dead now. Because I just really hate living anymore. I used to L.O.V.E. life so much when we still had him. But now I just plainly hate living and just want to be with Michael now it is all that I want now. Especially since I can no longer feel any sort of happiness now. What is the point of living when you can't feel any happiness anymore. Dr. Death forever took my main source of happiness away from me. Thanks to that murderer I am now totally the opposite of how I used to be. :sad: :boohoo: And I just really hate feeling sad, miserable, depressed, sick, and angry all of the time now.
Dont give up:no:We are here to support him:yes::hug:
Yes, I know. It is very difficult. I go through phases where I cry over him (rare for me to cry, since I'm not the emotive type) only to follow up with numbness, which is closer to how I really am on the inside, but whenever I think of him, I get the urge to cry. It seldom happens that I do recognize and give in to emotion, but when it rains it pours, like they say.

I feel the loss in a different way. It's really quite difficult to explain. It's the feeling that something's gone, and I am sure all of you have also felt it, but that is how I feel it most. Yet at times, I feel as if he's still here, somehow, still here with us, although we can't see or hear him. I don't think he would abandon us, and I can feel him sometimes. I am sure the rest of you must at times feel him too. That makes the loss easier to deal with, but he is still, well, lost. :(

Still, I think of him every day, and I love him every day, and I will, until the day I die.
Yes his spirit is around us all the time:yes::yes: