I know this is news but maybe people whom I chatted with during Michael Friday will remember I worried about a missing boy here in Bruges...
I don't know him personally but somehow... he was always in my mind as everywhere you looked there were 'missing leaflets' glued on streetlights or busshelters...
This noon, I came home from the spine rehab and there was quite a commotion at the canal where he was last seen... There was police, fire brigade and yeash, the ever annoying 'gawking' crowd :beee:
Just as my bus passed, they pulled up the boat with 'something' in it... It hit me like a brick wall and I hoped it wasn't the missing boy He was only 20...
Then my mum called in the evening and confirmed it was him
I know quite a :boohoo: thread but I just NEEDED to vent this...
This is so
I do HOPE he's SAVE now...
I don't know him personally but somehow... he was always in my mind as everywhere you looked there were 'missing leaflets' glued on streetlights or busshelters...
This noon, I came home from the spine rehab and there was quite a commotion at the canal where he was last seen... There was police, fire brigade and yeash, the ever annoying 'gawking' crowd :beee:
Just as my bus passed, they pulled up the boat with 'something' in it... It hit me like a brick wall and I hoped it wasn't the missing boy He was only 20...
Then my mum called in the evening and confirmed it was him
I know quite a :boohoo: thread but I just NEEDED to vent this...
This is so
I do HOPE he's SAVE now...