Missed u guys!


Proud Member
Jul 27, 2011
hey guys havent been active on here for quite a while but im back now so will give u a run down fo whats been on it my life

found out my gf was chating on me with my friend
grandfather died
moved into my own flat
2 days into moving house gets burgaled ( sat here 2 weeks later still unable to sleep )
lost my job

lifes been pretty crappy lol ... but how are u all ?
Welcome back :flowers:
But I am so sorry to hear about all the bad stuff that has happened to you :(
Welcome back !!!! We do not know each other but i am sorry to hear about what happened to you and hope success will dance with you again. *sending you love, hugs and kisses from France* (i'm straight don't worry)
welcome back...my goodness..you sure have had a rough time of it....:hug:
I'm just now figuring out how to use this new looking site. I'm so sorry that your Grandfather passed away. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Life can change on a dime and I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a great day for you.
:hug: Welcome back! man_in_the_mirror it's a beautiful username! Good choice! You should live up to its username, Take a look at yourself and then make a change. Some things are what they are and can't be changed. The most important thing to remember is that you're not alone and there is a God who cares about you.
These things shall pass and you are going to be okay. Everything will get better and you will be able to enjoy your life again (because the life will smile for you again) and soon.

We want you to be okay and you will! So let me see you smile again. (Hey wait, I've never seen you smile) :doh: :lol:
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We are all fine Thanks:yes: Sorry to hear all that has happened to you:yes:
Welcome back... That's quite terrible what you've been through... sorry about that. How old was your grandfather..? May he rest in peace..

And whenever I hear of people being cheated on with their friends is just.. I don't know, it may seem like it's such a common thing nowadays, but every time I hear of this it's like I've been cheated on. Very shocking. Good to know you seem to be/are a strong person. ^
hey guys im back again finally i moved back to my parents after the burgalary and all is ok i feel so much more secure here thnak you all so much for the support
Welcome back! :flowers: I'm so sorry to hear about everything that has happened to you... :(
I hope you're ok... :huggy:
I'm hoping better times are ahead for you with lots of love and sunshine! :give_heart: :sun:
Welcome back! I'm so sorry about everything that happens. :( Here's hoping tomorrow is a brighter day.