miss him


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am a fan of Michaels for 30 yrs, I had the joy of having his music to escape to for all that time. A private solace where I dreamed the same dreams Michael did. A world that was filled with unconditional love, equality and inclusiveness for everyone, human and animal, no matter big or small. Everyone was happy in Michaels dream and so was I.

He was a wonderful artist and a beautiful soul. Mostly what I liked and what I will miss the most is the way he moved, it was always a performance and always spot on. Whether just a walk to his car under an umbrella, or a wave from a balcony, a pause to smile, a deep breath, the way he tucked his hair behind his ear, the weight on his hip. I didnt realize it till today but he gave me confidence in myself and I thank him for that from the bottom of my soul. What will I do without his occasional drops into my life, a tv appearance, a song, a photo, a performance! something that enlivened my soul.

I hope all of you will carry his light with you and let it continue to shine through in the things he would have liked. Be like him, work like him and want the best in what you do and what you pursue in life. He would want you all to be successful.

If one of Michaels dreams came true we would all be happy and loved in a beautiful and peaceful world. Thats how big he dreamed.

I will miss him so much.

wow you've been a fan longer than ive been alive!
.......and i know how you feel we all miss him SO much :'[
:cry: I missed him so much too.:angel:He was too good and people in this world were not ready to have him.
*wiping away tears* That was so beautiful Chris, thank you. You said a lot of things that many of us are able to relate to. Yes, I gave up my dreams of music long ago, I used to write songs as a child in the hopes of meeting this man who has given me so much inpiration and joy. Yet recently, I've had an urge to write once more, this time, I'm sure it's Michael at work telling me not to give up. I won't. I plan to make a mark in the world of music somehow, and with every opportunity I'm given, I'll let the world know the man who gave me the inspiration to do so. My heart is broken, yet I'd be selfish if I kept on feeling this way. It's his family that are also suffering, yet in a more personal way. I only hope that there is a heaven.I will live a full life, make as many dreams of mine come true as I can, and with every stride I achieve, let the world know how proud I am to be a Michael Jackson fan. And yes, I will be successful, and thank Michael for that success. Michael, I'll love you for always and forever. Forever Michael.
I hope all of you will carry his light with you and let it continue to shine through in the things he would have liked. Be like him, work like him and want the best in what you do and what you pursue in life. He would want you all to be successful.


thankyou Chris that is soo beautifully put. that is what i have come to realise the past few days too xxxx
I totally understand how you feel Chris, I have been a fan for 27 years and I could never imagine a world without Michael :(