Misheard MJ lyrics

hahaaa :lol:

when MJ sings Beat It live has anyone noticed he goes, "they told him don't you ever come around sh..."
I dunno if he swears but he doesn't say "here"
i noticed on the Bucharest DVD, but then i thought it was just me
and he says it on Beat It live from the Bad tour toooo...

hmmm, :lol: might just be me :D

No, I know exactly what you mean...I think he's saying "here" he just puts a little twist on it, just to be different...That's why I love him...
oooh, ooh...I thought of another one! When I was little, I used to think it was, "but the CHAIR is not my son"...I knew even as a little kid that that made no sense at all...But I thought, hey, it's Michael Jackson, anything is possible...lol
when i was really little, i used to sing "Anniee-karaokeeeh" (Smooth Criminal)v:D
I'm pretty fluent in Jacksonese so I can get his lyrics is about two or three listens.

However, "Shout". No ma'am Pam. I don't even try to make out the lyrics. I just nod my head and listen to the beat.
hahaha i love reading this thread!!

Yesterday I heard my brother singing Black or White, and he sang "I took my baby on a Saturday dance" instead of "Saturday bang" LOL!
I'm pretty fluent in Jacksonese so I can get his lyrics is about two or three listens.

However, "Shout". No ma'am Pam. I don't even try to make out the lyrics. I just nod my head and listen to the beat.

Jacksonese. is that the new name for misheard jackson words lol.

I should be pretty fluent by now with jacksonese by listing to his albums for years. And i still mishear words.
Jacksonese. is that the new name for misheard jackson words lol.

I should be pretty fluent by now with jacksonese by listing to his albums for years. And i still mishear words.
For some reason, I imagined Dory from Finding Nemo saying this. LOL

Yes, Jacksonese is something Janet fans made up, I believe.

It's basically where they're singing lyrics and you can't understand a word they're saying. "Shout" is sung in complete Jacksonese. Janet's ad lib in "Go Deep" at 3:57 is Jacksonese.
When I was little in Beat It the lyrics
"Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated"

I thought were
"Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to beat it, beat it"

hehe I always thought how stupid it was....until I realised I was the stupid one! tehehe
I guess the reason for so much misunderstanding is that Michael's voice is so mixed with the melody, it's so well combined. I noticed the most artists sing their song and their voices as so distinguishable from the melody. It's like the melody is the background. But Michael is different, his voice is part of the melody, he becomes the music.
And, of course, his interpretation makes him say a lot of words in a singular way.

But that's just my opinion. A non-native English speaker.
The only song I really had trouble with was Smooth Criminal.

"Annie are you ok?" ....ahem, now the Nar version... "Can kecha wakiee?"
I mean WTH was that all about?? :no:

How embarrassing. :(
...can kecha wakiee... UGHhhh...

Later on it evolved to "Annie are you walking? Tell me are you walking? are you walking??" :(

Shoot. I better start walking.
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In 'Why you wanna trip on me," EVERY TIME i listen to the song I hear

actual: You got homeless people (with no food to eat0
Me: You got homeless people (pooping by a reef)

LOL! I know its horrible but thats what I hear!!!!!!!!!

That cracked me up! :D
Well here's one for "Bad." I used to think he was singing "you're throwing spoons" instead of "you're throwing stones". Now I think "spoons"? What? :lol:
Speed Demon
Actual "Speed demon! Speeding on a freeway"
Mine "Speed demon! Speeding on Buick"

Will You Be There
Actual "Tell me will you hold me"
Mine "Jermaine will you hold me"

In 'Why you wanna trip on me," EVERY TIME i listen to the song I hear

actual: You got homeless people (with no food to eat0
Me: You got homeless people (pooping by a reef)


Imagine, Michael all emotional "and no MUSTACHE could've been any clearer!" Hilarious lol! I wonder whose mustache could he have seen?! Maybe Tom Selleck's.

HAHA, this made me laugh out loud.

oooh, ooh...I thought of another one! When I was little, I used to think it was, "but the CHAIR is not my son"...I knew even as a little kid that that made no sense at all...But I thought, hey, it's Michael Jackson, anything is possible...lol

Haha, yeah, a lot of people have thought that too!
Didn't Letterman make a joke about that once?
In Black or White I thought it was I Ain't Scared Of No SH*T :lol: but it was I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets
Man in the Mirror

In Man in the Mirror, Its 'I'm asking him to change his way' but I used to say 'I'm asking him to change his name.' :wild:

sometimes I say that just to be funny.
Ya know some people really do have a hard time understanding Michael in his songs. Some of the Misheard lyrics you all are posting have GOT to be jokes.
I've always had a hard time understanding what he says in a certain part of TDCAU. It starts a lil before the chorus is sung for the last time when he says something like "they keepin fiiiiiiiiiire" and ends right before he goes "HOO HHHHOO"!!!! Ok maybe it aint clear , in the video clip (brazilian version) before singing the part im referring to he moves as if he was breaking boards the martial art way in front of a black guy who's playing that huge drum, and then he starts singing while the chorus is being sung. I'd like someone to tell me what he sings from that moment please. One more detail : when the part im referring to starts the "Kick me, strike me, Don't you wrong or right me" part comes to an end.

Basically, if someone can picture the part im talking about and is able to help me, please do so.

If you got the time to watch the video clip, the part im talking about starts at 3:41 and ends at 4.00 in the video clip


Thanks in advance.
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I've always had a hard time understanding what he says in a certain part of TDCAU. It starts a lil before the chorus is sung for the last time when he says something like "they keepin fiiiiiiiiiire" and ends right before he goes "HOO HHHHOO"!!!! Ok maybe it aint clear , in the video clip (brazilian version) before singing the part im referring to he moves as if he was breaking boards the martial art way in front of a black guy who's playing that huge drum, and then he starts singing while the chorus is being sung. I'd like someone to tell me what he sings from that moment please. One more detail : when the part im referring to starts the "Kick me, strike me, Don't you wrong or right me" part comes to an end.

Basically, if someone can picture the part im talking about and is able to help me, please do so.

If you got the time to watch the video clip, the part im talking about starts at 3:41 and ends at 4.00 in the video clip


Thanks in advance.


I've seen a thread in which someone asked exactly what you're asking right now, but I've got bad news, no one was able to sort that one out. =P

Well, the most likely guess was this one:

I'm here to remind you
Don't sit back... defeated
--> this is the most difficult to understand.. =(
Thx for taking the time to help me out ani_geleia. I'll watch the history tour concerts, maybe i'll be able to lip-read the lyrics somehow.

No problem.
We're all learning Jacksonese. =)
Who Is It

'Don't You Judge Of My Composure
'Cause I'm Lying To Myself'

I think MJ says, cuz it sounds like 'don't drink a magic potion' lol

'The wind has not no functions cuz I'm still crying.' lol

then near the end, I think during his one choruses, it sounds like hes saying 'Bull-sh**'
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In Dirty Diana : 'Every musicians fed after the curtains come down.' I think he says 'every musicians dead..'

'I wanna go too far' My ear hears: 'I wannna go to the mall.'