Misheard MJ lyrics

In Black Or White: "I believe in miracles, and I'm never gonna stop it tonight"

I still sing that even though I know it's wrong...
THIS! Exactly this!



Beat it
Beat it
No one wants to beat, beat it!
This thread is hilarious!

One lyric / adlib I still don't get is near the end of Who Is It. I hear 'something something another brother'!!!

In this link it's at appox 4 mins 21 secs.


I was listening to this again the other day and had a possible light-bulb moment. Is it "The taint of another brother"? Or "Taint of another brother"?? That's what it sounds like to me :cheeky:

OMG, I totally cracked up with this one!!
I was laughing so hard I got tears in my eyes... Especially with the end: BEAR. BEAR. BEAR.
Awww.... :D
I was listening to this again the other day and had a possible light-bulb moment. Is it "The taint of another brother"? Or "Taint of another brother"?? That's what it sounds like to me :cheeky:

Yes, it really could be this, sounds right and has a relevant meaning. Well done :D

Hehe I love the beginning when he's like "More kick and stuff in the phones" :D

I WBSS he's saying "And the pain is thunder" - I once thought he said "and you paint the thunder" :lol:
Yes, it really could be this, sounds right and has a relevant meaning. Well done :D

Thanks! hehe

In WBSS I could never understand the words in the verse "I took my baby to the doctor with a fever but nothin he found, by the time this hit the street they said she had a breakdown" I used to think it was "But the da das in the street, they said she had a breakdown" :doh:
In Remember the Time- I think the lyric goes something like 'It would go on and on in the back of my mind..'

It sounds to me like hes saying : 'It would go on and on in the back of a liiimooooo aah' lol
This had to be posted here!

AAAH...You're killing me!!! I almost fall from the chair watching this... :hysterical:

Why are all these videos with pictures always cracking me up so bad??
In Smooth Criminal when he says "bad gone it" I always thought I hear "cat vomit!" as if he was warning someone not to step on it, lol. And he says it repeatedly so I though just how much cat vomit was there on the floor?
When my boyfriend was little, his mom told me that he used to sing Beat It like this:

Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it

(instead of "no one wants to be defeated")...lol
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At the end of Lady in my life, when he goes..."All over, all over, all over, all over...I think he does it like 7 times or something....I had NO clue what he was singing..I thought it was complete gibberish, one of Michael's many little mysteries...It bugged me forever and then I finally clued in....haha
This thread is hillarious! I sat down and remembered lots misheard lyrics! but keep in mind i grew up with Arabic as my first language so u can blame me for most of these! but some are just ridiculous! lol

Speed Demon
Actual "Speed demon! Speeding on a freeway"
Mine "Speed demon! Speeding on Buick"

Smooth Criminal
Actual "Will you tell us that you're OK"
Mine "But you're jealous, but you're OK"

Liberian Girl I thought was Librarian girl lol

They Way You Make Me Feel
Actual "My lonely days are gone"
Mine "My lovely days are gone" wtf?? lol

Man In the Mirror
Actual "On the wind ya know"
Mine " Ont the window-oh"

Will You Be There
Actual "Tell me will you hold me"
Mine "Jermaine will you hold me"

Actual "Her mouth was smoother than oil"
Mine " Her mouth was so venomal" like venemous haha!!

In The Closet
Actual "She wants to get it"
Mine "She wants to give it"

2 Bad
Actual "2 bad 2 bad about it"
Mine "2 bad 2 bad Maritta" hahahaha!!!

Scream---Again with Maritta
Actual "Stop pressuring me, Just stop pressuring me"
Mine "Stop pressuring me, Just stop pressuring Maritta" So this had me wondering who the F is this Maritta? lol

Actual "Am I invisible cuz u ignore me"
Mine "Am I invisible cuz u know me" doesnt make sense

The Lost Children
Actual "Wishing them home"
Mine "Wishing them hope"

Actual "You'll never break me"
Mine " Your love wont break me" wtf? lol

We've Had Enough
Actual "They gotta hear it from me, they gotta hear it from u"
Mine "Did God hear it from me, did God hear it from u?"

OK IM DONE..... For now anyways! lol
I was sure the word message in Man In The Mirror was moustache when I was younger.. :blush: but then I couldn't really make out half the words in that song anyway.. :lol:
And in Earth Song I heard "Oh dammit you for drifting far".. I still sing that.. :lol:
In 'Why you wanna trip on me," EVERY TIME i listen to the song I hear

actual: You got homeless people (with no food to eat0
Me: You got homeless people (pooping by a reef)

LOL! I know its horrible but thats what I hear!!!!!!!!!
This thread is hillarious! I sat down and remembered lots misheard lyrics! but keep in mind i grew up with Arabic as my first language so u can blame me for most of these! but some are just ridiculous! lol

In The Closet
Actual "She wants to get it"
Mine "She wants to give it"

I totally understand you. The difference is that my first language is Portuguese.
But WAIT! Please, don't tell me I've been singing In The Closet wrong? She wants to get it? Oh boy! O.O
I was sure the word message in Man In The Mirror was moustache when I was younger.. :blush: but then I couldn't really make out half the words in that song anyway.. :lol:

Imagine, Michael all emotional "and no MUSTACHE could've been any clearer!" Hilarious lol! I wonder whose mustache could he have seen?! Maybe Tom Selleck's.
Arabian Girl, you just summed up every Arab's experience with MJ. Especially Ms. Maritta, I've heard her name too! Except I thought it was Laritta.
Imagine, Michael all emotional "and no MUSTACHE could've been any clearer!" Hilarious lol! I wonder whose mustache could he have seen?! Maybe Tom Selleck's.

Tom Selleck :lol: :lol: It could've been Charlie Chaplin?? :lol: