Misheard MJ lyrics

I've got a couple.

When I was a kid I thought in "give in to me" he says "quench my lasagna".

And in "black or white" I thought the lyric was
"And I Told About Equality
And It's True to throw a rock on your eye".

Ah, how embarrassing.
I've got a couple.

When I was a kid I thought in "give in to me" he says "quench my lasagna"..

After "love is a doughnut" earlier on is this thread, "quench my lasagna" just sounds great ! Give in to me will soon be the funniest song ever !

hilarious , thank you !
In "They Don't Care About Us":

"You're rapin' me of my pride for God's sake."

kinda sounds like he's saying "You're rapin' me for my Prada for God's sake." :D

And of course, the ad lib from the "Give In To Me" demo ... "LOVE IS A DOUGHNUT!!!"

readily available on youtube ... 3:00 mark.

That actually does really badly sound like "LOVE IS A DOUGHNUT!!!"


funny times!

I've got a couple.

When I was a kid I thought in "give in to me" he says "quench my lasagna".

And in "black or white" I thought the lyric was
"And I Told About Equality
And It's True to throw a rock on your eye".

Ah, how embarrassing.

LOl good one
I've got a couple.

When I was a kid I thought in "give in to me" he says "quench my lasagna".

And in "black or white" I thought the lyric was
"And I Told About Equality
And It's True to throw a rock on your eye".

Ah, how embarrassing.

"It's true to throw a rock on your eye" - ROFL!!!!! :hysterical: Oh gosh I laughed at that one!

I love this thread! :cheeky:
Haha the "quench my lasagna" one made me fall off my chair. In Wanna Be Startin Somethin, I always heard the "ma ma se.." part as "Mama say mama saw my microsoft". My mom had to tell me no that wasn't it. So now it's an inside joke to myself and I call it the microsoft song.
"quench my lasagna" has got to be the best one on here.

I used to think "now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together" in Thriller was "now is the time for you and I to cut old clothes together".

Which obviously makes worlds of sense.
"quench my lasagna" has got to be the best one on here.

I used to think "now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together" in Thriller was "now is the time for you and I to cut old clothes together".

Which obviously makes worlds of sense.

LOL! I used to think it was "Now is the time for you and I to cut and glow together"...... which makes even less sense than yours, hahaha.

Makes more sense than "Embassy, on the loose" though.... Have you ever seen an embassy on the loose??? :hysterical:
Haha, some funny ones from that site someone posted earlier:

The Girl is Mine:
"Every night you wash my in-betweens."

You Are Not Alone:
"You are not a gnome"

"Stop pissing on me"

Dirty Diana:
"I need a jam jar, whoa"

"I hit my baby on the side of the brain"

Smooth Criminal:
"She was sitting at the table, eating sushi with the neighbor."
"Annie do you want cake? Do you want cake Annie?"

"And no one's gonna save you
from the bees about to bite"

"Someone's Always Tryin' To Keep My Baby Cryin'
Tarantulas Comin Behind and
You Got My Baby Cryin'"
Okay, there are many I just can't think of them right now.

I do remember Smoking Criminal. As well as Achiyaokie?

Librarian girl is another... Sounded like a porn film title to me.

Oh, there are many I just can't remember
Haha, some funny ones from that site someone posted earlier:

The Girl is Mine:
"Every night you wash my in-betweens."

You Are Not Alone:
"You are not a gnome"

"Stop pissing on me"

Dirty Diana:
"I need a jam jar, whoa"

"I hit my baby on the side of the brain"

Smooth Criminal:
"She was sitting at the table, eating sushi with the neighbor."
"Annie do you want cake? Do you want cake Annie?"

"And no one's gonna save you
from the bees about to bite"

"Someone's Always Tryin' To Keep My Baby Cryin'
Tarantulas Comin Behind and
You Got My Baby Cryin'"

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Oh my gosh, they are hilarious. I laughed soooo hard!
:hysterical: I knew it was a bad idea to read this thread after I applied a clay facial mask!
hahaha all of these are so funny.

When he was younger, my brother thought it was "Kill the World" insted of Heal the World.
I'm sorry if this has already been done before, but as a child i used to sing "beat it, beat it, no one wants to beat the feeling"
and my mum sings "keep on, with the fox trot, don't stop 'til you get enough" :|

has anybody else thought MJ said something, which was totally different to what he actually says? i can't name many, MJ has a cool and clear voice :D

I confess, i had to read the lyrics to Human Nature, :S

Thanks! you just made my day/night with this, i havent laughed so much in a while(with all respect) but as im written im laughing so hard:hysterical:
Yes Michael had a vey singular way of singing, yes:D

"keep on, with the fox trot, don't stop 'til you get enough":hysterical: its so funny, now i imagine myself singing that line, i laughed so hard my stomach hurts, thanks:D, just if you ever missundertood another lyric plese post it:yes:

im leaving and singing "keep on, with the fox trot, don't stop 'til you get enough" hehehe:D
Haha, some funny ones from that site someone posted earlier:

The Girl is Mine:
"Every night you wash my in-betweens."

"Someone's Always Tryin' To Keep My Baby Cryin'
Tarantulas Comin Behind and
You Got My Baby Cryin'"

From Black or White:

"I took my baby on a Saturday band"

"Now I believe in miracles, and I'm never gonna stop and deny"

"I ain't scared of nobody, girl when you're lookin at me"

I have so many more but I can't remember them until I hear the song again, and then I'll go "Oh I have to post that on the forum" hehe
On earth song when MJ sings "I can't even breath" I thought he said "I can't even Pee" LMAO I was like why he gotta pee? LOL!
I also thought the chant in wanna be startin somethin was "I'ma sing the song that michael song" I mean seriously that's what it sounds like! LOL!
In Billie Jean I always heard:
Annie are you okay, are you jealous that you're okay
While it's Annie are you okay, will you tell us that you're okay

Beat it:
Beat it, Beat it, Beat it, Beat it, No one wants to beat it beat it
While it's actually Beat it, Beat it, Beat it, Beat it, No one wants to be defeated

In Wanna Be Startin' Something' I heard alot of things wrong too much to write :lol:

And I can't think of more at the moment, I'll write some more when they get to me :)
From Black or White:

"I took my baby on a Saturday band"

"Now I believe in miracles, and I'm never gonna stop and deny"

"I ain't scared of nobody, girl when you're lookin at me"

I have so many more but I can't remember them until I hear the song again, and then I'll go "Oh I have to post that on the forum" hehe
hehehe, i have to come here whenever i feel a bit down :hysterical:
This thread is hilarious!

One lyric / adlib I still don't get is near the end of Who Is It. I hear 'something something another brother'!!!

In this link it's at appox 4 mins 21 secs.


I always wondered about the "is it my brother??" in "Who is it." If you look at Jermaine's ahem, "habit", than I wouldn't be surprised. :D
I don't know too many people who have children with the former partner of a sibling- who had children with that partner first.

This thread is hilarious!

One lyric / adlib I still don't get is near the end of Who Is It. I hear 'something something another brother'!!!

In this link it's at appox 4 mins 21 secs.


I don't get that one either. I do think it is something another brother. What another brother, I cannot understand, LOL :scratch:

I agree with Modulation Alert about Jermaine! I always thought "gee, does he really think his own BROTHER would do that?" then I found out, well, yes. I guess he does, LOL!
that youtube it so cute! i always wondered what he was mumbling in that demo hehe "underwear" tehehe

also in a few of his songs from bad but mostly songs from dangerous it sounds like he is saying 'cat vomit' to fill space...is that just me? what is he actually saying?