As much as I disagree with Farrakhan on lots of things, what he says here is very true. Something that most people simply don't understand about Michael is that he is a DEEPLY spiritual person, in the sense that it is extremely personal, and nonconforming to "typical" spiritual stereotypes. Almost everything that he does or believes in with a passion, whether it's singing, dancing, art, poetry, charities, children, the earth, what have you, is all done with his spirit and his soul. It drives him. All of that is from deep inside, it's who he is because he is so in tune with God. People try to separate all of these things, such as what Bashir did, from who he is, but you can't. It's what he lives and breathes. It's who he is, not just what he does for a living.
And I have never actually seen him in trial, but I have heard that he is always quite humble, quiet, gracious, etc., even when they metaphorically stone him to death with accusations. Outside of trial he no doubt gets angry, anyone would, it's righteous anger at what people and authorities have put him through.
Anyway, I've rambled enough. For once I agree with what Farrakhan says.