:/ Miley Cyrus shares same weird phobia with Late Michael Jackson and Hilary Duff- Germ-phobia

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dont know about this little article.... but here it is

Miley Cyrus shares same weird phobia with Late Michael Jackson and Hilary Duff- Germ-phobia

Indeed it is so true that Miley Cyrus shares same weird phobia with Late Michael Jackson and Hilary Duff- Germ-phobia! Miley herself has confessed in an interview with Z100 that she is total germ freak! We know that even celebs are scared of things and have weird phobias but Miley, “germ freak”!

Miley also says that “H1N1 is no fun”! It is really good that you promote such a thing! Not for this reason, but she is scared of germs! May be as she is a singer and germs and viruses can be harmful for her! It is said that even the most popular rock king, late Michael Jackson was also scared of germs and viruses. That’s why he usedto wear gloves! Isn’t it a fascinating fact!

Even, the Disney’s one of the old princess, Hilary Duff, who is extremely excited about her marriage, is scared of germs! Or you can say she is a total freak! She says that she cannot even sleep at night before vacuuming and cleaning her bed! Jeez! You celebs are really too much! Guys, your entire environment are surrounded with germs! Where will you run away? Miley, do you also have some weird cleaning problems too?


WELL, the only "interesting" part is the Michael part...if you had a bad day trhow all your hate here, cause this article is soooo stupid...Michael a germ freak??? wtf???? :bugeyed

i hate that they use Michael's name only to get people to read.... thats why on the title reads Michael Jackson, i wouldnt even look at this if it didnt said Michael, Miley Cyrus?????:bugeyed oh my......

RI DI CU LOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yet more Tabloid Trash! Jeez will these ppl ever get a life! ?
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