Miles Davis

I think he's amazing. I don't listen to MUCH jazz, but he's most one of my favourites in this music style. His versions of "Blue Monk" or "Night In Tunisia" are great, and I love his cover of Michael's "Human Nature"! :)
Oh man...there's a piece of music by Miles Davis that I just LOVE, but haven't a clue what its called or how to go about finding out what it is. Maybe I'll have to look around on Youtube. I should really check out more by him. Thanks for the links DuranDuran. :)
Oh man...there's a piece of music by Miles Davis that I just LOVE, but haven't a clue what its called or how to go about finding out what it is. Maybe I'll have to look around on Youtube. I should really check out more by him. Thanks for the links DuranDuran. :)

Where did you hear the piece of music hun, on a film or tv programme??
Or just on the radio??

a few weekends ago i blasted his milestones album and grooved to "miles" always been a huge fan.his tone and silence are timeless.
i didn’t listen to jazz in months but today i got into perfect mood for Miles Davis' music, i've been playing it most of the day (and night). i love especially soft, calm ballads like these:


I Fall In Love Too Easily

and absolutely love this album:



In A Silent Way/It's All About That Time/In A Silent Way
– the rhythms in the 2nd part are out of the world.
Chih, In A Silent Way is my favourite Miles track. The bass line that builds and builds half way through is outrageous. Herbie and Chick on the Rhodes, too. Lush.

Also, In A Silent Way the boxset is one of the best boxsets that money can buy.
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