Miles Brown 4 year old kid, next Michael?

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Well if he can dance like that when he´s 4 he could technically be the next Michael when it comes to doing artistic moves with his extra ordinary way of dancing. On the other hand we haven´t seen him singing and he is probably not as good as Michael was.
And, no, this hasen´t been posted before.
If you put "The Next..." title on any new artist, the new artist will always pale in comparison to the original. Let's just hope the kid is the next Miles Brown.
Y'know the expression "next michael" is tiring, there won't be another Michael jackson and we all know that. Yet people keep asking "who's gonna be the next king of pop?" and so on, as if it's even possible to reach that peak in todays entertainment industry... sorry, just had to rant a little.

The kid does have talent though but who knows where the future will take him.. hopefully somewhere good.
Well if he can dance like that when he´s 4 he could technically be the next Michael when it comes to doing artistic moves with his extra ordinary way of dancing. On the other hand we haven´t seen him singing and he is probably not as good as Michael was.
And, no, this hasen´t been posted before.

The thing I meant was, you gotta work to even come close to achieving just a little bit of what Michael did. And often, talent alone isn't enough.

I agree of what some other people said, there won't be another Michael Jackson but I thought the kid resembled Michael; you know, the afro, he's black and starting out at an early age.
The next Michael will be Blanket.

I could bet my life on that...

I could bet my life on that too hun! :D

This kid though is super adorable and unbelievably talented at just 4 years old! I want to adopt him he is that cute aw! :happy: lol

what the hell happened at the end? did he just walk off? :rofl:
Does Blanket really have the talent though? And would he want to go through what his father did? Or is this just people wishing and talking. Because I think it would be darn cute myself and would love to see it.
Michael is not just a an all round dancer. Since the age of 5 he could sing, and had a style of his own..You are just born with the magic, then you improve on it as you grow older and become a Genius!! sounds easy? lol!
The next Michael will be Blanket.

I could bet my life on that...

That would be AMAZING! Awww! Blanket so cute looking at him is like looking at lil michael Jackson all over again and it freaks me out, but in a good way for sure!
Aww what a cutie.

If you put "The Next..." title on any new artist, the new artist will always pale in comparison to the original. Let's just hope the kid is the next Miles Brown.
I agree. There's no need to compare all the young dancers and singers to Michael. Michael was Michael, there will never be new "Michael".
Let them have their own things.
there will never be another michael, because:

1) michael grew up in a culture that expected hard work to get results. he was raised to work harder and better than the next man in order to get another meal, so he had the hunger to be the best. nowadays, you can get a record deal for having good looks. you dont have to work hard, they already give you a million dollars just for dressing cool, so you never learn the value of hard work.

2) michael was influenced by, and raised around, the greats. he studied them on stage in front of his eyes, and also did a lot of research into the history of dance.

3) michael never knew the limits. he thought the sky was the limit. he had no standards to live up to because noone had ever been there before. he molded the shape of music.

4) there are few barriers left to break, michael broke the race barriers, all the records, and he was the first to do it.

5) michael was a special being. just like christ before him, there will probably not be another michael for another 2000 years at least. :)
Cute all the "next Michael" thing upsets me.Like when you read in the press about a new star they say " The New King Of Pop."
They just never will be another Michael Jackson period.
How come they never refer to a new female star as the next Queen Of Pop? They always target MJ.

Tito Jackson has rubbished rumours that brother Michael’s children are being pushed into show business.

US reports have claimed that the Thriller star’s dad Joe, 79 - who was behind the Jackson 5 - is grooming Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11, and Blanket, 7, for fame.

‘My father has no intentions whatsoever of turning Michael’s kids into a singing group,’ says Tito, 55. ‘He’s been there, done that already.’

Instead, Tito reckons the children will go down the academic route.

‘Michael’s kids are going to be allowed to be pretty much what they want to be, as long as it’s beneficial to themselves and to the world,’ he tells the Daily Mirror.

‘They are not going to be pushed into becoming performers. If it’s natural, then maybe they will. Blanket is the one I can see it happening to. He is so like Michael.’

Michael Jackson’s youngest son has the talent to be as big a star as his father, according to family friend Mark Lester – godparent to all three of the late singer’s children; Prince Michael, 12, Paris, 11 and seven-year-old Prince Michael II, known as Blanket.
Mark says Blanket has shown signs that he shares his dad’s outstanding musical talents and is already very interested in showbusiness.
Mark revealed in an interview to Hello Magazine this week: “Prince loved ‘Thriller,’ Paris liked ‘Smooth Criminal, best and Blanket adored them all. He could easily be the next Michael Jackson. He loved to dance with his dad and Michael taught him to do the moonwalk.”
Mark insists Michael was also preparing other ventures for the future.
“He was in talks about a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’-style family film, and was hoping Peter Jackson, who directed ‘King Kong’, would work on it. He’d already started writing music for the movie.”

Yeah!I agree...will never be another Michael but I believe...I dont know why...I just feel in my heart that Blanket will be the only one that will come closer than Michael was.

I read that Michael said Blanket could be like him cuz he love dance and sing.
Cute all the "next Michael" thing upsets me.Like when you read in the press about a new star they say " The New King Of Pop."
They just never will be another Michael Jackson period.
How come they never refer to a new female star as the next Queen Of Pop? They always target MJ.

How many times will I have to explain why I wrote "Next Michael"?! Sh*t, some people here just seems to skip some posts and then complain. And for saying they target Michael when there's someone new and they say "Next Michael?". What a joke, they say so because Michael was the greatest and he's the one who's level everyone wants to achieve, just like Maradona in football - "Is Lionel Messi the next Maradona?". It's not about making Michael a target, it just shows how great Michael was.
Yes i understand the concept of the next Michael
but ... we all know

There will only be ONE Michael Jackson
there will be no next _

They can only be who they are _
and they will have to be magnificent to even compare to that MAN
it takes more than a good voice or good dancing to be Michael
They need charisma - a loving heart and an aura no one can resist
plus multiple talents and a desire for perfection and a desire to Heal The World

Not even his own children can be the next Michael
They will have to be the best at who they are and
NOT be forced to live under his shawdow _ Michael said
he was concenred about that _ It would be great pressure
on those kids if people expected them to live up to Michaels
abilities _ He always wanted them to be the BESt they can at
whatever they chose to do _ and hopefully better than him.

But we all know
there will be NO next Michael Jackson
and I even hate that term _ no one compares
or can be HIM ever - One of a kind - KOP forever.
That name is his _ Retired with him ..
Blanket already knows how to moonwalk and always danced and sang with Michael. I remember reading this somewhere either by a close friend, employee or family member, can't remember who by, it was a couple months ago.
Yes i understand the concept of the next Michael
but ... we all know

There will only be ONE Michael Jackson
there will be no next _

They can only be who they are _
and they will have to be magnificent to even compare to that MAN
it takes more than a good voice or good dancing to be Michael
They need charisma - a loving heart and an aura no one can resist
plus multiple talents and a desire for perfection and a desire to Heal The World

Not even his own children can be the next Michael
They will have to be the best at who they are and
NOT be forced to live under his shawdow _ Michael said
he was concenred about that _ It would be great pressure
on those kids if people expected them to live up to Michaels
abilities _ He always wanted them to be the BESt they can at
whatever they chose to do _ and hopefully better than him.

But we all know
there will be NO next Michael Jackson
and I even hate that term _ no one compares
or can be HIM ever - One of a kind - KOP forever.
That name is his _ Retired with him ..

My goodness RELAX, stop taking this so seriously!

We know there will never be another MJ! This kid is adorable and when people say "He could be the next Michael Jackson", people mean this as to say that's how talented he is. Its a saying! Just like if a child is incredibly intelligent, he could be "The next Albert Eisenstein" or "The next Michael Jordon" if a child is talented in sports!

I really hope some fans are 15 years old or something when they post such immature comments. To feel threatened or get feisty over complementing a 4 year old BABY is pathetic in my opinion.
Blanket already knows how to moonwalk and always danced and sang with Michael. I remember reading this somewhere either by a close friend, employee or family member, can't remember who by, it was a couple months ago.

Thank you for sharing!

I love my baby boy!! :wub:
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