Miko Writes About Michael on Larry King Blog


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
LKL WEB EXCLUSIVE: He Saved Michael Jackson’s Life
Posted: 07:39 PM ET
Miko Brando, who viewers have come to know well through our coverage of this story, was there the day Michael was filming the Pepsi commercial. He leaped to Michael’s aid when his hair caught fire, and Miko’s actions helped save Michael’s life. He remembers that day, and what followed, below.

It was January 1984. We were filming the Pepsi commercial at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. Pepsi was sponsoring Michael’s upcoming Victory Tour. Michael was coming down the stairs. I was stage left, about 25 feet away. I saw him on fire. I immediately jumped on him and shook his head to get the fire out. There was no hesitation. My first instinct was to go help my friend.

I have to admit, I didn’t see the fire right when it started because my angle was blocked. He was behind the musicians, and it wasn’t until he was in front of me that I realized what had happened. When I got to Michael we were pushed to the ground. Very shortly after that, a couple of EMT’s arrived and asked us to give him some room. They lifted him and took him off the stage. I believe there was an ambulance on standby because we were using pyrotechnics. He was rushed to the Cedars-Sinai emergency room. He was at Cedars for a while, then transferred to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City. Brotman eventually opened The Michael Jackson Burn Center after Michael donated his $1.5 million settlement with Pepsi to the hospital.

I went to the hospital, but not right away. My hands were burned a bit. Some EMT’s checked me out, and said I was OK. As soon as I was cleared I went to Cedars. I wanted to be with my friend. I don’t remember how long he was in the hospital after the incident. I went to see him several times, and each time he thanked me for being there, and for saving his life. Our friendship really took off from there.

The accident wasn’t something Michael would dwell on, but he would sometimes say “thanks for being there, thanks for saving me.” I would tell him I was always there for him, and he was always there for me. One day he said — and I forget the situation — but he said “thanks to you, I can do this.” I knew what he meant. I also know if the roles were reversed, he would have done the same thing for me.

The last week of Michael’s life, during the rehearsals for his tour, we were talking backstage. We talked about the kids, my son Shane, who’s in college, and were just having a normal conversation, until he asked me if I would be close by during the pyrotechnic parts of the show. 25 years after the accident, Michael wanted me there. I didn’t need to ask why. It was unspoken, but understood. Shortly after that conversation, I went to Michael’s stage manager Scott Chase, and he said he’d make it happen.

Seeing the video now brings back a lot of emotions, and it’s hard to really put them into words. I’ve seen the incident on tape before from many angles, including the one that was just released. There were about 6 or 7 cameras rolling at the time. Michael’s attorneys showed it to me when they were preparing for the lawsuit. While we were watching it, they told me I was lucky I wasn’t shot. I was in street clothes, and there was a lot of security around. They had no idea why I was running up to Michael Jackson during the shooting of a commercial. But I just went. I was there at a crucial part of his life. I reacted the way anyone would who saw someone they cared about in trouble.

I, personally, have come to value Miko's friendship over Deepak's. Miko was around Michael just as much, if not more, than Deepak. Yet Miko has never come to the media and claim that he saw Michael on drugs or as a drug addict and tried to help him. I don't understand this. Either Miko is lying or Deepak is lying. Why would Miko not try to get Michael help if he saw him abusing drugs just like Deepak is claiming he did? Why isn't Lou Ferrigno, who has been friends with Michael for years, never saw Michael abuse drugs? Why haven't people like Liz, Diana, Liza, Lionel, Stevie and others not come out and say they saw Michael abusing drugs and tried to help him and he cut them off? Why hasn't MacCaully said this? Why is it only folks who don't have any money and are getting paid to tell these stories?
The last week of Michael’s life, during the rehearsals for his tour, we were talking backstage. We talked about the kids, my son Shane, who’s in college, and were just having a normal conversation, until he asked me if I would be close by during the pyrotechnic parts of the show. 25 years after the accident, Michael wanted me there. I didn’t need to ask why. It was unspoken, but understood. Shortly after that conversation, I went to Michael’s stage manager Scott Chase, and he said he’d make it happen.
This bit was especially meaningful to me. It's no surprise Michael has been wary ever since the accident, but he knew had someone he could totally totally trust to be there for him... for no shady reason, but just because.
Thankyou Miko. :)
I, personally, have come to value Miko's friendship over Deepak's. Miko was around Michael just as much, if not more, than Deepak. Yet Miko has never come to the media and claim that he saw Michael on drugs or as a drug addict and tried to help him. I don't understand this. Either Miko is lying or Deepak is lying. Why would Miko not try to get Michael help if he saw him abusing drugs just like Deepak is claiming he did? Why isn't Lou Ferrigno, who has been friends with Michael for years, never saw Michael abuse drugs? Why haven't people like Liz, Diana, Liza, Lionel, Stevie and others not come out and say they saw Michael abusing drugs and tried to help him and he cut them off? Why hasn't MacCaully said this? Why is it only folks who don't have any money and are getting paid to tell these stories?

I find it odd too. I suppose Deepak, (along with Quincy and Shmuley) just didn't believe Michael was sick or in chronic pain. I've noticed since news broke of him having lupus, they have been oddly silent--or did I miss something? I think everyone else knew what he was dealing with and accepted that taking medicine was something he was going to have to do for the rest of his life. It's hard as hell to argue with someone who is in pain and Michael never seemed to want anyone to see or know how much he was hurting. Plus Michael wasn't particularly self-destructive if you know what I mean. Not in the Amy Winehouse or Elvis Presley way at least. This was a man who was sick and scared and trusted his doctors like we all do when we are sick and scared. This was an athlete (as all dancers are) trying to keep healthy a body that was at war with itself.
IrishFaery, you said exactly what I was thinking.

Imehollis, thank you for the link.

You hit the nail on the head. I don't believe a lot of people believe he was in pain. If Michael was as doped up all the time for 25 years their is no way he would have been able to function at the level he did. I think that usage may have been in periods. For instance, I don't think he had a problem after this incident. I believe he developed it later on in the late 80s or early 90s. Liz Taylor was by his side when he was in rehab in the early 90s. She is a true friend. And true friends would never do what Deepak Chopra or family attorney Brian Oxman were doing. That to me was more horrifying than what the media was doing. If you are aware someone is in trouble, by all means you need to intervene as much as you can.
Deepak and his son Gotham have an agenda....no matter the discussion...they always end up talking about drugs....and avoid the word "prescription"....

something don't smell right about them
Weren't they already good friends at that time? He was in the Thriller video right? I am glad that Miko was there for him. I think Miko is having a very hard time (from watching him on Larry King and the morning TV shows) and I hope someone, maybe his daughter who was the same age as Michael's older kids or a wife? is watching out for him. He seems depressed (of course we know why) and this revelation that he was again going out with Michael on tour, it has to be hard on him knowing that he never will be there to save Michael ever again.
I really like how Miko has been handling the media. No matter what they say about Michael and medications, he never passes judgement on Michael or feeds the media unlike some of Michael's other so-called friend who now want to air their dirty laundry and add to the frenzy of rumors. Miko has been a friend till the end and has nevr left Michael's side.