Miko Brando's blog

it's comforting to know that Michael had real friends like Miko or Mark Lester
I just saw him on Larry King Live, I admire Miko’s statements and support also the guests who came on the show especially ‘The Incredible Hulk’ were very positive and supportive.
Michael I do not know if today was so surrounded by friends. I do not know if these friends were so present in the life of Michael. I always thought about it and doubted that Michael always had friends of truth in it podesse trust 100%. But it is strange to me friends that appear from nowhere, so many tributes to declare to the world his love and respect for Michael. An exception is Elizabeth Taylor who was always a true friend to Michael. A person who really loved him. I never saw either of you talk like Michael Jackson now. All these things should be done when he was alive. I do not understand...​
Michael I do not know if today was so surrounded by friends. I do not know if these friends were so present in the life of Michael. I always thought about it and doubted that Michael always had friends of truth in it podesse trust 100%. But it is strange to me friends that appear from nowhere, so many tributes to declare to the world his love and respect for Michael. An exception is Elizabeth Taylor who was always a true friend to Michael. A person who really loved him. I never saw either of you talk like Michael Jackson now. All these things should be done when he was alive. I do not understand...​

I'm glad you said that. I've been thinking the same thing. I didn't want to start a new thread, but I didn't see anything else about it. I love all the positivity, and I don't doubt that people loved Michael, and they should. He well deserved it. I'm just wondering where all these celebrities were during the trial?! WE were there! His fans were there for him in every way possible, but most celebrities weren't. Now they are all coming out and calling him their brother, best friend, etc. Again, it's great to see the love, but where were they when he needed them??? (with obvious exceptions being Elizabeth and a few others).