Miko Brando on "This Is It" _ It's All Michael


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
Note: Miko Brando, son of actor Marlon Brando, was a personal assistant and long-time friend of Michael Jackson.

A few weeks ago I got a call from Dame Elizabeth Taylor. She asked if I wanted to go see Michael's new movie, "This Is It," at the Sony Studios lot. Well, how do you turn down an invitation like that?

Before I go into the movie, let me say it was an honor to be invited by Dame Elizabeth. She looked great, and it was really nice to see her. Michael had her over all the time, and we got to spend a lot of time together. She's about as good as they come, and she and Michael were great friends. They shared a mutual love, respect and admiration for each other.

Now, the movie. Dame Elizabeth loved it, and so did I. It was like he was still here, which made it a little bit eerie for me, and very emotional. Thank God I had my Kleenex handy.
The movie follows Michael through the last few months at rehearsals for the "This Is It" concerts. It's a lot of backstage footage of him through the process.

Michael's fans will really enjoy this movie. His creative brilliance comes out in the film. It will prove he was ready to go - he was there, just days away from going to London and doing these 50 shows. He was 50 years-old, and he looked and sounded amazing - a genius to the end.

I'm not trying to sell anything to anybody, but this movie shows Michael was a normal person. He went to work, and did his job, his job was just a bit different. It will also show he was great, up to the very end.

My favorite part of the film was when Michael performed "Human Nature." It's a hard song for me to hear it on the radio or on CD, but to see him perform it on stage - it gets to me. I'm not sure why that song more than any other, but I always enjoyed the way he performed it on stage. It did something for me then, and it still does.

As much as I enjoyed the movie, it was hard for me to watch. I still don't watch movies of my dad. It's just too tough. I have the same feelings about seeing Michael on screen. It's hard to watch someone I've spent so many years with - someone who was such a part of my life - look so vibrant on screen, and know he's not with me anymore. I've had so many losses in the last few years, they're stacking up for me.

I'm told some are speculating there was a Michael "double" in parts of the movie. I can tell you that is simply NOT TRUE. I was there for all the rehearsals. That's all Michael. It's Michael Jackson, and only Michael Jackson. They just want to make a stupid story out of nothing.

I think people will leave the theater after seeing "This Is It" saying "WOW!" Wow because he was about as close to genius as you can get, and the film gives us a rare look at that genius. You can't take your eyes off of him because he's so electrifying. I'm proud of it, and I'm sure he would be too.

SOURCE: http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/10/26/lkl-web-exclusive-miko-brando-on-this-is-it-its-all-michael/
The article make me cry. Thanks for posting the link.
Brilliant blog post!! :) A few more rumours put to rest thankfully!
That was so nice of Elizabeth Taylor to invite him along :)
the more closer to the date of watching the film makes me feel more nervous..and sad:(
Note: Miko Brando, son of actor Marlon Brando, was a personal assistant and long-time friend of Michael Jackson. [/B

As much as I enjoyed the movie, it was hard for me to watch. I still don't watch movies of my dad. It's just too tough. I have the same feelings about seeing Michael on screen. It's hard to watch someone I've spent so many years with - someone who was such a part of my life - look so vibrant on screen, and know he's not with me anymore. I've had so many losses in the last few years, they're stacking up for me.

I feel your pain.
When she invited Miko I knew Liz had her reasons and he was definitely the right choice to be one of the first people to watch this movie
I was thinking about Miko just morning. That is odd. He has lost alot. His brother, his sister, his dad, and now Michael. This movie is going to be hard for me but I am determine to go.
Thank You, Miko.
It's all what i can say now. I can't imagine your pain, but I know that is so hard.
I love You, thank You for everything.
Can't wait...
I'm am ready. Oh yeah, bring that truck of kleenex I am really going to need it.(my kids see what you are putting on my computer. I am not interested happily married. I blog because I love to talk.)
My favorite part of the film was when Michael performed "Human Nature." It's a hard song for me to hear it on the radio or on CD, but to see him perform it on stage - it gets to me. I'm not sure why that song more than any other, but I always enjoyed the way he performed it on stage. It did something for me then, and it still does.

I've been feeling this way since June 25th... I have yet to listen to this song all the way through, I usually just turn it off when it comes on the radio or skip over it when I have Thriller playing
total respect for miko. a real friend and there werent many like that.
I'm thinking each mjjc member seeing the film will need a box of Kleenex this size :mello:

You got that right! But I'm going to enjoy the show as much as possible, soaking up as much of MJ as I can.

Miko is a sweetheart so it's no wonder he and MJ were good friends.
I'm thinking each mjjc member seeing the film will need a box of Kleenex this size :mello:


I'm going tonight with a bunch of other MJJC-ers, and I am already close to the edge. I'm trying to concentrate on work to keep my mind off of what's to come. it's gonna be so emotional, so final. I don't wanna say goodbye.. :cry:
Frank Dileo is on the red carpet and talking to Larry now. I thought he gave up those cigars. He said nice things about MJ and that Michael was involved in every step of the process of the creating the shows and the movie will show that. He says ppl will see a true/real genuis at work, etc.

He says MJ was going to do all the concerts. No body doubles in the movie. In the blue-screen bits there was a stuntman sliding down the banister becuz there's no way they would have risk Michael doing that.

He said some other stuff but was talking too fast...addressing Latoya and Joe's accusations.

Miko is on now.
I hope some crafty and quick MJ fan will upload this in a few. Miko is in London at the premiere there, I believe.