Mike's "ON THE LINE" On A MOVIE!!! Y'all I'm so happy


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
Ok, I was watching "THE MILLION MAN MARCH" to Washington DC.in 1995. And In the Beginning, Michael's ON THE LINE, is on. And I'm like omg omg omg...:wild:


Then I remember what Louis Farrakhan said in his speech. He said that he had invited Michael to the March and Michael had agreed. But then a couple of days later, He got a call from Mike sayin' that he couldnt make it(I think he wrote the song for that MARCH!). Anyway, Louis said that He thought Mike got a bad advice from ppl. who were with him...

God Bless him!
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lol That's where the song comes from - the movie :yes:

:doh: ohhh..
.:cheeky:I thought it was a single...it says that "Baby face" wrote it. AND Mike Sang it...when i was listening to it i was like :mello: :wild: :clapping::D

Lol tnx Shannon...This is MY First time listening to it on a Movie...i thought it was a single like "We've had enough"(Where is that from?)
ask corey feldman....and on the line was for the movie, it was a deal. u direct me in a video, i'll do a song for ur latest movie.

also, fall again was a demo. it ended up going to glen lewis for maid in manhattan or whever it was. jlo when she was a maid! lol
It was from Spike Lee's Movie "Get On The Bus" which was about a group of men going to the 'Million Man March'. I went to that March. I was like in the 6th grade..dang! lol! looong time ago.
It was from Spike Lee's Movie "Get On The Bus" which was about a group of men going to the 'Million Man March'. I went to that March. I was like in the 6th grade..dang! lol! looong time ago.

Really? I thought it was only for guys...lol that was what they were sayin on the movie...I was 7y.o. at the time...and in Ethiopia...lmao...so i couldnt go...:D How was it? It was a big crowd I saw...like at the Inauguration of Obama...
I heard this song performed on the movie "maid in manhatten" ( sorry for the spelling , but im sure u guys know what it is) It stars jennifer lopez
Now, never knew these things about "On the line" and "Fall again" :mello: Thanks :D

I love "On the line", such a shame it wasn't a single. It's beautiful.
uhm i think on the line WAS a single, it came with the ghosts collectors box. at least i have the single at home. it shows an eye of michael which is kinda yellow/green and the cd itself is white on the top and yellow on the written side.