mike on Geraldo during the trial what book did he mention?

I am thinking that is Jack Johnson, the famous boxer, first african american to be heavy weight champion. There is a play book that I read in highschool - I think it is called The Great White Hope. I think there are other books about him, docs. I think it was made into a movie too but I never saw it. The book I read in high school was absolutely one of my favorites. The struggles he went thru were incredible.
jack johnson and mj are very smiliar. johnson broke boundaries becoming the first black heavyweight champion. he got above his station by dating marrying white women and living the highlife. e was set up on fake charges of basically trading in white women cause he took them across state lines. they were his girlfriends etc. he was driven out of the country and i think when he came back he had to serve x amount of time.he was basically ruined by the goverment. not sure whats happening with it but they are trying to get him pardoned
Unforgivable Blackness. Buy it. Best book I've read in years. Michael's story in all but name!