Midnight showings USA

Is it true that most of the shows are sold out in USA?

No. Several shows have sold out, but the movie is not sold out. From the latest report, anyone who wants to see the movie should be able to get tickets.

I personally think they are pushing the "sell out" stories too much. And Sony seems to agree:

Meanwhile, Sony execs are worried that moviegoers think all the shows are already sold-out because of the hype surrounding advance ticket sales. "We hope they know you can still go to the theater and get a ticket. It's not like a concert." Both AEG and Sony execs maintain they're really only going to release the pic into theaters for a 2 week only run.

Yeah, I'm sure there will be a lot of people who are in the cinema and see a TII poster and just decide to go, or people who can't get into other movies, it will be a massive opening weekend, but I don't think it will be as big as certain media reports would lead you to believe...
I agree I dont think it is going to be AS huge as they are reporting. Around here you can get tickets for it for any day with no problem
I think it will be VERY successful, but not as big as some are reporting. At first I thought TII wouldn't even be shown in my town, but it will be. They're just not promoting it, nor are they selling advance tickets; they also aren't doing a midnight show for the opening. In another town close by that my hubby and I go to, I asked last week when I was there how TII ticket sales were going...they told me "not that great." They said they were planning a midnight show but probably going to cancel it now because there isn't enough interest. But I live in a small town, and that theater is in a small town too. I'm sure in larger cities it will fare much better.
I think it will be VERY successful, but not as big as some are reporting. At first I thought TII wouldn't even be shown in my town, but it will be. They're just not promoting it, nor are they selling advance tickets; they also aren't doing a midnight show for the opening. In another town close by that my hubby and I go to, I asked last week when I was there how TII ticket sales were going...they told me "not that great." They said they were planning a midnight show but probably going to cancel it now because there isn't enough interest. But I live in a small town, and that theater is in a small town too. I'm sure in larger cities it will fare much better.

Just going to have to wait and see we still have A lot of time