Michelle Rodriguez Gives Up Avatar and Fast and Furious Spoilers

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Dangerous Incorporated

Michelle Rodriguez has three films set for release before the end of 2009, and in one simple sentence she issued a major spoiler for each of them. Good going, Michelle. The films in question are Fast and Furious, Tropico de Sangre and James Cameron’s actually still pretty darn secret Avatar.​
She was speaking to Latina, but before I dare excerpt the interview I’m going to lay down the break as a safety precaution. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.​
Okay, so here are the spoilers, drum roll please… In Fast and Furious - her character dies. In Tropico de Sangre - her character dies. In Avatar - her character dies. This is what she said:​
Anytime you’ve got a wild, independent, free-spirited woman, she has to die at the end of the movie, unless it’s a movie that’s so sci-fi that it can’t be real, like Tomb Raider. Me? I die in every film that I’m in this year. They’re just gonna have to keep on killing me. I’ll keep coming back, until they realize what’s hot and make flicks for bitches like me.
So, now we know that Rodriguez’ character Trudy Chacon starts Avatar as an ex-marine pilot, and ends it as a corpse. That’s got to be one of the most dependable and serious Avatar spoilers to date. Run, Michelle, run! The hounds have already been set free!​
The fact that Rodriguez’ character dies in Tropico de Sangre is hardly news, to be fair. It’s something of a “the Titanic sinks” scenario because the film is based upon historical fact. The movie tells of Minerva Mirabal, played by Rodriguez, and her sisters, who stood up in resistance against Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo. It’s a matter of public record that he had three of the four Mirabal sisters killed and I expect most people who buy a ticket will know this outcome going in.​
Sangre is Rodriguez’ first film as a producer, and the first feature from Dominican writer-director Juan Delancer. I’m hoping it turns out to be good stuff because, frankly, I’m a sucker for a bit of cinematic revolution and insurrection.​