Michelle Obama, Barbra Streisand, Lady Gaga, Bono and Stevie Wonder to Honor Beyonce


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
LAS VEGAS, Nev. --

Beyonce has throngs of fans – including celebrities and political power players – and a few famous faces will be part of a tribute to the “Run The World (Girls)” singer at the Billboard Music Awards, Access Hollywood has learned.

Sources tell Access that First Lady Michelle Obama, Barbra Streisand, Lady Gaga, U2 frontman Bono and Stevie Wonder will take part in a tribute to Beyonce at this Sunday’s award show in Las Vegas, where the 29-year-old beauty will be honored with the Millennium Award.

Beyonce recently teamed up with the First Lady and the National Education Foundation in the fight against childhood obesity, and worked with fellow pop superstar Lady Gaga on their 2010 hit, “Telephone.

The stunning singer also performed Etta James’ classic ballad, “At Last,” for President Obama’s inaugural dance with Michelle in 2009.

The Billboard Music Awards air on Sunday at 8 PM ET/PT on ABChttp://www.accesshollywood.com/_article_48326

^ My first reaction which was of utter disbelief. Still is my reaction.
Mine as well. What has she done? Pretty bogus.
What award is this about? Did Michael ever get a billboard award like that?
She's pretty young and hasn't really marked the ground yet, she's got way too much to even accomplish that. You usually honor artists for their remarkable Lifetime career or humanitarian achievements with these kind of recognitions, but not someone this young, who also became a solo singer barely in 2003. That's pretty weird.. Wouldn't be surprised to learn if Jay Z has a hand in all this either. ..
She's pretty young and hasn't really marked the ground yet, she's got way too much to even accomplish that. You usually honor artists for their remarkable Lifetime career or humanitarian achievements with these kind of recognitions, but not someone this young, who also became a solo singer barely in 2003. That's pretty weird.. Wouldn't be surprised to learn if Jay Z has a hand in all this either. ..

What could he have done? Aren't billboard awards about sales of their music? I am just confused what the award is about.If it's a lifetime achievement award than I think she is too young for that.
Why that? I mean, Beyonce may be an average singer, but why be honored by all those people, including Mrs. Obama?

omg stephen Hill the guy behind the BET Awards said on twitter that her performance is the 21st century Michael Jackson's Motown 25 Performance
omg stephen Hill the guy behind the BET Awards said on twitter that her performance is the 21st century Michael Jackson's Motown 25 Performance

People so want another Michael that they push anything now. Maybe if they had been more respectful to the actual Michael Jackson they wouldn't be on the hunt so. Sorry but if Michael had released that same song people would never have stopped trashing him for it. When Beyonce actually changes the game in music --not just be a great performer--then compare her to Michael Jackson. Beyonce follows a script for herself. Beyonce has not done one thing that could truly be considered ground-breaking. And Beyonce borrows from other artists' ideas way more than people let on.

I know that this isn't about Michael and maybe because it is getting close to the anniversary of his death, but I am so, so sick of people doing crap and getting all the credit in the world while some of these same people who honored Beyonce act as if Michael did squat in his lifetime. And some in radio said that Hold My Hand and other songs from Michael (the CD) was not radio friendly and didn't fit into what was playing on the radio now. Yet we are to believe that this crap does!?

And is it just me or is this about the second time she has taken something from TII and used it in her performance; she did it shortly after the "drill" scene with the army/military type men coming out behind her and now with the multiplying of herself like was going to happen with the "drill" scene. I hope she credited Michael somewhere in there.
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This is a joke. I actually love Beyonce but this is too far. I think Lady Gaga makes better music than her, I won't lie and I don't know what Michelle Obama is doing in that video. They've acted like she's 40 and has been doing this on a grand scale since she was 15. Painful. Just painful.


If they wanted to give it to any other current female superstar, in my opinion, it should have been Shakira.
I don't know, but when I saw it, I thought this is MJ's Drill idea. I know it is no bad, but if only we'd had the opportunity to see This Is It. It is sad :(
Yeah, painful to watch. Beyonce is much much more than just an average singer, but her artistic body of work does not deserve this cringe-worthy tribute just yet. And with the 'Run The World' very poor first single off her new album, this is all the more inappropriate. ...

I feel saddened. Because, I know, I may sound like a stupid broken record, but I love her, and I don't trust and have plenty of valid reasons not to trust her Jay Z and the crap he must be filling her head with. Some are questioning, 'Yeah, but what does Jay Z gotta do with this tribute?' And it's not just this tribute, actually, I can overlook this completely and just look at her past achievements and the increased vanity as one of her music's most recurrent themes. .. Jay Z has said it before that he feels he's got a female Michael Jackson beside him. .. And I'm sorry, but you can't replicate all that. Not saying that again as another broken record, because she's very hardworking herself, but not at that level. What's being tried and pushed forward is something forced. What is she doing that is too original these days and for some good years, too? Ever since she started collaborating with Gaga, and before, her music and videos got inspired by that Gaga craziness and superficiality and uncool badness. ..

Very very sad and cringe-worthy. ...):
What award is this about? Did Michael ever get a billboard award like that?

Beyonce won a Billboard Millennium Award. She was the first person to get it.

No, Michael has never won an award like this for the Billboard award show. Billboard awards
has never given Michael a special award at all. :(
Beyonce won a Billboard Millennium Award. She was the first person to get it.

No, Michael has never won an award like this for the Billboard award show. Billboard awards
has never given Michael a special award at all. :(

yes he did i think it was artist of the century when Chris Tucker awarded it to him
Michael was awarded by Chris Tucker while Beyonce by Michelle Obama. Nice.
Out of topic and maybe a stupid question but I have always wondered if Mike was or was invited in the inaguration of the Barack Obama.I didn't see him there. Does anyone knows?
I am glad I didn't watch this. These people can't replace Michael. Michael was one of a kind. Sometimes I feel like people are getting pushed down our throats to like. That tends to make go the other way. I like people who are not given the spotlight so much. I know it's 2011 but why can't some women wear more clothing? I think there is nothng wrong with a little mystery.
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Michael was awarded by Chris Tucker while Beyonce by Michelle Obama. Nice.
Out of topic and maybe a stupid question but I have always wondered if Mike was or was invited in the inaguration of the Barack Obama.I didn't see him there. Does anyone knows?

No, Michael wasn't invited.

Entertainment industry figures such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, Steven Spielberg, Magic Johnson, Dustin Hoffman, Muhammad Ali, John Cusack, and Oprah Winfrey received invitations
I am glad I didn't watch this. These people can't replace Michael. Michael was one of a kind. Sometimes I feel like people are getting pushed down our throats to like. That tends to make go the other way. I like people who are not given the spotlight so much. I know it's 2011 but why can't some women wear more clothing? I think there is nothng wrong with a little mystery.

I completely agree, and the sad thing is that these women think they are promoting female empowerment :rolleyes:
I completely agree, and the sad thing is that these women think they are promoting female empowerment :rolleyes:

I agree too. I think they are smart women yet they say one thing but the image is something different. I read one artist Adele say she makes music for the ears not the eyes. She is doing quite well right now.

As for the Obamas, I don't think or got the impression they liked Michael so much. I have never heard them say that but it doesn't come across that way. Not everyone will be fans.
This would be laughable if it didn't make me so mad. Ridiculous. [Sorry, Beyonce.] If we're gonna do any comparisons here, the Diana Ross comparison fits best. However, as much as I love Diana, she's no Michael Jackson either. [Not to mention, Beyonce is no Diana Ross.] She is a *good* singer...But there are lots of good singers. Am I missing something here? I don't know. I'm so tired of the whole "next Michael Jackson" thing. Just let them be who they are. It's not fair to them or to Michael.