Michaels Youtube Channel Posting His Back Catalogue!!!!!

someone should tell SONY that users from outside the US, or whatever region its locked to, CANNOT VIEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they may wonder why thriller isnt the most viewed video on youtube YET!!! WELL THATS BECAUSE MOST OF THE WORLD CANT VIEW IT!!!!!! SONY YOU MAKE ME MAD!!!

RIP Michael :(
Im hoping they add some stuff we havent heard before,

They are currently onto the KOP 50 album
someone should tell SONY that users from outside the US, or whatever region its locked to, CANNOT VIEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they may wonder why thriller isnt the most viewed video on youtube YET!!! WELL THATS BECAUSE MOST OF THE WORLD CANT VIEW IT!!!!!! SONY YOU MAKE ME MAD!!!

RIP Michael :(

I know it not right, but maybe copyright laws or so on restrict it.
I do have respect for Sony for doing this though, you can understand why his music videos are on there, but just audio with a picture, thatsgiving it away for free. The world has changed now, Michael is bigger than ever, he is Legend. The Legend
isnt there a way to contact sony about this?
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Way too awesome! But i'm so sorry for those who can't view them out of the country. Hey, it's no different than what you got on your shelves if that helps.
They ran out of Michael Jackson CD's.... how else are people suppose to get to know Michael through his music? People who never really cared are curious now, so youtube is a good way for people to hear his music for the first time. I think it's good for Michael. Michael has already broke so many record sales. What else is there to break? Michael will be on top of the charts anyway!
Wow, very nice...the michael youtube page was already stellar, but this page is something else. thanks 4 posting.
sorry for being out of the loop, but whats a back catalogue? All I see are the same vids they've always had.
someone should tell SONY that users from outside the US, or whatever region its locked to, CANNOT VIEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they may wonder why thriller isnt the most viewed video on youtube YET!!! WELL THATS BECAUSE MOST OF THE WORLD CANT VIEW IT!!!!!! SONY YOU MAKE ME MAD!!!

RIP Michael :(

Sony isnt doing it
it is youtube becuase of the UK copyrights
are charging to much to show them _ YT has
broken their conteact with them becuase of it

not sure exactly how it works _but sony is not putting
the block on these videos ..
"We are unable to show you the original featured video for this channel due to age or location restrictions."

This is unbelievable and I consider it a disrespect seriously! :angry: