Michael's Wish - Let's Heal the World


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Toronto, Canada
This is an idea that sprung from a chatroom conversation.

On Tuesday, July 7, 2009 (the day of the memorial), we think it would be an excellent idea for each of us to make a resolution as a tribute to Michael. Whether it be quitting smoking to heal your body, or volunteering in your community to heal the world, let us do as Michael taught us.

Michael was an advocate for children. Let us fulfill his vision by doing something for children. Let's make him proud.

If you think this is an idea that you can apply in your life, please post a resolution.


My Resolutions:
1) I will be kind and listen to children, and help them when I can. I am already going to be volunteering this summer for a reading program (where I'll help a child improve reading skills), but in addition to that, I will look for opportunities where I can help out a child.
2) When faced with a tough decision, I'll go by "WWMJD" (What Would Michael Jackson Do?) -- when faced with a struggle, he would meet it head on and put in his best effort, and so will I.
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We can make the Change now!

Come on and join the Heal the Worl Foundation!

A one year Member ship is 8.95 USD per month, we must do it, lets make the Foundation the biggest relief organisation!

We all can do that, we can make Michael's biggest wishes come true!

1. Exercising more

2. Eating healthier

3. Give more to charity
I'd like to give more to charity, I'd like to sponsor a child and join the heal the world foundation :)
Michael wanted an "global children day" ( oxford speech related I guess)

I hope august 29 (Michael's birthday) will be named as.

THAT would be awesome!

1. Really thinking about, and realizing the fact that we are all one big family. We are the human race, we should not fight each other, we should help each other.
2. Donating to good causes whenever possible.
3. Try to advocate as much good as possible in life, it's short enough as it is.
When donating to charities, it's VERY IMPORTANT to find out about which charity you're giving money to. Some charities aren't legit, and there are some which tie up most of the funds with admin stuff and very little goes towards the actual cause.

Instead, what I'm going to do this year is be more INVOLVED for Michael. I am going to see if there is a hospital where I can volunteer with sick children. I think this will give me a more direct feeling of satisfaction, instead of not knowing what my money is doing to help the world.
I love this idea and the "WWMJD" idea!

My resolutions:

1. Eat healthy.
"To heal the world, we first have to heal ourselves."

2. Always put in 100% in what I do.
“Even if you're sweeping floors or painting ceilings, do it better than anyone in the world.”

3. Always forgive and give others benefit of the doubt.
"Like the old Indian proverb says do not judge a man until you've walked 2 moons in his moccasins."

4. Be loving and always smile.
"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with."
Join the Heal the world organisation and do what i can to help people around me. I would like to volunteer when i get older too.
This is a great idea!

My resolutions -

1) Be healthier (eat better, exercise more)
2) Give more to charities
3) Volunteer with literacy programs
My Resolutions:

2) When faced with a tough decision, I'll go by "WWMJD" (What Would Michael Jackson Do?) -- when faced with a struggle, he would meet it head on and put in his best effort, and so will I.

i love that one, espeically now since alot of us feel we do not want to go on.
but we should know seeing how michael stood strong even through his own really tough times..he still made it through!, as we should with this loss. he looked as to enjoy life fully, so we should too. i will ask what will michael do in situations the rest of my life.
Ughhhh fulfilling Michael's wishes is so hard!! I was in finance class today, I just couldn't pay attention, even though I kept thinking that Michael would try 120% to listen and learn... but Michael never had to sit through 2 hours of a professor talking about leasing and interest rates!!!!