Michaels Voice

The Ghost of Jealousy

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I remember reading Lisa Marie saying he didn't really talk in the high pitched soft whisper he uses,and that he actually had a deep voice.He put it on for effect.Anyone else heard this?

It would be so cool if he actually talked like he does in bo selecta:)

shamone mutha fucka!
...well, did you hear MJ ever talk that low....he never did. But he did not whisper either...just spoke very softly. MJs voice did change over the years a lot...but he always had this soft but very charming voice. It was not masculine tho...I wonder what Lisa meant by "deep" voice. MJ did not speak like an average Joe...(and very masculine type of that)...
He always had a soft voice but he made it or it naturally went up higher in pitch during some stages of his life.
You can hear Michael's "deep" voice in James Brown's funeral:


Also in the This Is It press conference and 2000 Watts song, from Invincible.

I think his voice is an amazingly fine tuned instrument, and i don't think he had a "public" voice and a "private" voice. He was a vocalist since he was born, and manipulating it was his job, so we should not distinguish and claim that he used a high-pitched or soft version when he spoke in public; all those different versions are Michael and they are equally beautiful.

Even i use a different "voice" when talking to my boyfriend (for example) than when talking to my co-workers, but i don't distinguish!!

lots and lots of love,
Well, I am not so sure but 2000 Watts does not sound "natural"....I am sure MJ sang a bucket on his head or something....the sound is kinda muffled. :)

I wonder whether he could sing the high notes anymore during the last years of his life...don't know.
Michael's masculine voice in James Brown's funeral is because he was crying.In the march announcement Michael had a little cold.I read about it back in March 2009.
I remember his voice in WMA 2006, was deep but his voice changed through years and most of the time his voice was soft.

"High piched voice" is what happen to shy people anyway, without having real control.
Sometimes it happens to me, my voice is high when I'm stressed, shy or speak in front of an audience and is kinda deep when I'm relax. I used to hate that so I started practice some relaxation techniques.

People like Diane Diamond used to talk about his "real deep voice" to make people think he's a faker. But for me was pretty normal given the fact that he was shy.
As with most of us, his voice became a bit deeper as he got older. Wait until you age another 20 years and yours probably will too. Now, about all that "deep voice" stuff... I have a youtube vid of clips of him talking to the audience from the HIStory Tour and it never fails that like at least once a week someone will comment about how they're "shocked" that it's not his "normal voice" and that's he's talking with a "deep voice" that they've never heard before. I'm like... umm... when was the last time you heard him? 1983?! :lol: Or like the people who said it wasn't him at the TII press conference. :rolleyes2: Good grief. Now Michael could talk quite lower when he tried, like any of us doing a voice. Like I can imitate some cartoon or movie voices and you wouldn't know it's me right away if I prank called you. But so far, aside from when he was trying to sound like someone else, I've never heard him just talking regularly in any voice but the one we know. Of course, if I stand to be corrected someday, well then... so be it :unsure:
Well, I am not so sure but 2000 Watts does not sound "natural"....I am sure MJ sang a bucket on his head or something....the sound is kinda muffled. :)

I wonder whether he could sing the high notes anymore during the last years of his life...don't know.

he hit some pretty amazing notes during Human Nature and IJCSLY in TII...i was mesmorized...
Well, I am not so sure but 2000 Watts does not sound "natural"....I am sure MJ sang a bucket on his head or something....the sound is kinda muffled. :)

I wonder whether he could sing the high notes anymore during the last years of his life...don't know.

if you saw This Is it, you could hear that he had the same voice he always had, in human nature, and beat it..able to reach all the high notes..
As with most of us, his voice became a bit deeper as he got older. Wait until you age another 20 years and yours probably will too. Now, about all that "deep voice" stuff... I have a youtube vid of clips of him talking to the audience from the HIStory Tour and it never fails that like at least once a week someone will comment about how they're "shocked" that it's not his "normal voice" and that's he's talking with a "deep voice" that they've never heard before. I'm like... umm... when was the last time you heard him? 1983?! :lol: Or like the people who said it wasn't him at the TII press conference. :rolleyes2: Good grief. Now Michael could talk quite lower when he tried, like any of us doing a voice. Like I can imitate some cartoon or movie voices and you wouldn't know it's me right away if I prank called you. But so far, aside from when he was trying to sound like someone else, I've never heard him just talking regularly in any voice but the one we know. Of course, if I stand to be corrected someday, well then... so be it :unsure:

i believe his voice was always the same...on the off the wall special edition, he's heard talking to his siblings during a home made demo they made for DSTYGE...and when he talks, his voice is as deep as it is for the TII press conference. then, when he launches into singing..well..it's DSTYGE. lol
Hmmm.. i think everyones voices vary. They can be a tad lower when you are upset. Or even maybe talking into a microphone. I believe what we heard was his voice. You just even need to listen to Jackie. And as Michael once stated, he is a tenor. Thats why his voice is the way it is. End of story.
I wouldnt believe everything you read. People just want to pull him apart whichever way they can.. i dont understand why people could not just believe he was who he was. It took him to die and have an autopsy performed before people believed he didnt bleach his skin.
Well, I am not so sure but 2000 Watts does not sound "natural"....I am sure MJ sang a bucket on his head or something....the sound is kinda muffled. :)

I wonder whether he could sing the high notes anymore during the last years of his life...don't know.

:lol: I can just picture Michael actually singing in the studio with a damn bucket over his head! That's pretty funny.:D

Regardless..Michael's voice, high, low..whatever it's still sexy as ever and he can seduce me any day with his lovely voice.:naughty: He can talk about the most boring thing and it would just be like making love to my ears.. and ya know what I mean...:eek:n_the_sly: Now you all got me started! Off to the Manhood thread!:ninja:
:lol: I can just picture Michael actually singing in the studio with a damn bucket over his head! That's pretty funny.:D

Regardless..Michael's voice, high, low..whatever it's still sexy as ever and he can seduce me any day with his lovely voice.:naughty: He can talk about the most boring thing and it would just be like making love to my ears.. and ya know what I mean...:eek:n_the_sly: Now you all got me started! Off to the Manhood thread!:ninja:

hahahha ditto
You can hear Michael's "deep" voice in James Brown's funeral:


Also in the This Is It press conference and 2000 Watts song, from Invincible.

I think his voice is an amazingly fine tuned instrument, and i don't think he had a "public" voice and a "private" voice.
Gee...so weird to see him at that funeral again, ugh. Only 3 years later...youknowwhat. So surreal. :(

But about his voice; yes I also think he didn't really thought about when to use the high or low pitched voice or that he had a 'private' and 'public' voice....I think it just fitted in everytime for the moment when he was talking and he knew exactly how to get everyone mesmerized with his voice at the right tone of speaking, and could make sure everyone listened.

He had one of the most sensual, powerful, almost eargasm-making voices...and then I'm not even starting about the singing voice. :lmao:
I remember now where I read the quote about his voice,it was in the book by Taraborrelli "The Magic and the Madness" (great title huh? not)

The thing is,why would Lisa Marie say it if it wasn't true?