Michael's Voice

The Dancin Machine

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Well, everyone knows Michael is very soft-spoken. But I'm pretty sure his voice is slightly deeper than what he leads us on about. If i'm not mistaken, a couple of times it kinda slipped...? XD
So I came here to ask your opinion, and to share this clip.
Here is an odd video that makes me rise my question.

It contains some voice over, from that restricted mean prank call Mike got. Another sound byte is from the Studio with Randy...? Anyway, since the beginning of the call, he says "Hello, who's calling please?" and that routine, then 'gives' the phone to Michael and all that, than he goes to his regular voice. I thought that first voice was odd, but I'm pretty sure it was Michael (imo). Than again, he uses the voice in the studio with Randy. I NEVER HEARD THAT CLIP BEFORE. He uses this weird voice. Is it his REAL voice? But it seems so different than the voice he uses in public. I figure Mike's voice is deeper, but I guess he was disguising his voice?

I don't know if I'm violating the rules or whatnot, but I mean no harm. I just want opinions. That clip quite frankly, kinda scared me a little. lol....
Really? I wonder why. Guess he has his reasons. But those clips kinda got me stunned, lol XD!
Like that weird voice was enacted twice, in a big gap in years. Is it Mike's real voice, I don't know. But I think maybe its just an impersonation. His voice probably sounds a little less tweaks
That's not his real voice, the one he uses in the clip. That's a cartoon voice he's been doing since he was a kid, since the mid 70s, the earliest we've heard it. Michael's "real" voice, whatever that means, is slightly deeper then he sometimes speaks in public, but not incredibly so. It's no great mystery and isn't decidedly different from what we're used to. You can hear it on "YRMW", "Dangersous", "Money", in the "Bad" video at the beginning when he says "Thanks! Thank you!". He uses it all the time but the fact that he's soft spoken adds to the affect of him having a high pitched voice. He doesn't, but it's not much deeper then he often speaks in public and isn't utterly different in tonality like the cartoon voice you've exampled. That cartoon voice is not his real voice.
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watch 2.20 when he said 'I've got an idiot for a sister folks'
he used the same voice in that phone call. anyway, that's not his real voice, he purposely made his voice sound like that.
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what, so it went deep, then all off a sudden by off the wall went higher?
Where does it go deep? His voice sounds the same here, just less smooth. He didn't have his voice highered, that's not even possible unless you take horomones. He's simply singing in a higher key. He's a tenor. He has a naturally high singing voice.
yeah but on the 1977 clip hes deffinately got a far more deeper voice. watch loads off clips that year and youll see that he aint singing in a lower tone, hes voice actually is that deep. then it went higher two years later, maybe because he wanted it higher?
I've seen planty of clips from that era. He's singing in a lower key, that's all. He prefers to sing in a higher key though. His own voice coach said that. It gives him more control. His voice is not a baritone or something like that, it's a tenor. He can sing very low, but his natural, comfortable range is higher up. And clips from around 76, 77, his voice isn't even noticably lower. And his voice smoothed out. Once he fully matured, his voice became a lot smoother and clearer.
He has a normal male deep voice.

He simply puts on the light sounding voice whenever he wants to.
Everyone 'uses' different voices under different circumstances... Michael's no exception to that. If you've ever heard a recording of yourself when you're really nervous, for example, you'll know what I mean... it doesn't quite sound like 'yourself'.

It's just one of those things, where if you pay close attention, you'll notice how it works and there's that 'that's funny' reaction. But since quite a few of us here pay much closer attention to Michael than to other people, you tend to think of it as a 'typically Michael' thing, where in fact, it's a 'typically human being' thing.

But it's not like he's doing it purpously or in a sort of manipulative way, which this type of discussion makes it sound like. He's just using the entire range of his vocal abilities. He does use more of his vocal abilities than most of us do, though, simply because that's part of his craft as a singer. But why would he 'pretend' to have a higher voice than he actually does? Really, why? Why do people accuse him of doing that? He's just being real... really.

I think WBSS21 explained it pretty well in post #5. :yes:
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No. I hear hardly any difference at all. Same voice, same tone, lol. Just a different key. And he should be singing the song in a higher key anyway, considering it's a recording originally done when he was 11.
i thought it was pretty well known that mj used a softer voice. he hasnt done this for years though.
This argument is a bit pointless.

It's obvious that the voice in those clips is him making a fake voice or his "cartoon voice" as wbss21 said. We can all make fake voices, you know, try to sound like someone else and then.....voila!! you've got a different voice!!!

Michael was obviously a prankster and liked to have fun and so he spoke in a different voice sometimes.

I'm a girl, and say I wanted to say that famous line from a movie (who's name I can't remeber at the moment.....) "here's looking at you, kid" I would use a deeper "cartoon voice" when I said it....and hopefully people wouldn't think it was my real voice......

Michael's regular voice is a soft, kinda high voice (like his brother Jackie). When he speaks in public, it's slightly softer and/or higher. I'm very shy when I first meet people and people who just meet me always say that I sound like a little kid,and I even notice my voice being quieter, but I can't really help it. When I'm around my family and close friends I'm so comfortable that I can just talk and not worry about the shyness that I'm feeling and I use my "regular voice" which still sounds like a kid (lol) but just not as much. It seems like the same with Michael, or maybe he wants to seem really shy (even though he really was-and from what he says he's not as shy anymore) and a way to seem shy is to speak softer.

His regular voice is not as deep as alot of guys cause......all people aren't the same!!!!!!!
Are we gonna say that Jackie was faking his voice too and took hormones???
I'm pretty sure Michael didn't take hormones. He has a large vocal range and it got even larger when he began to work with Seth at the beginning of the Thriller era.

I don't know what else to say...I tried to explain it as best I could,and it took waaayyy too long to, but I wanted to be thorough, lol!

Soooo, lets all think about it for a second and try not to keep disputing the obvious :yes:
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Even though I'm def. not a longtime fan like some of y'all, I heard his voice is deeper than the one we hear in public. I just get mad at some people making fun of the soft-spoken voice as if it was a sin or something for who he is as a male. Like I said it's not his real voice as far as I know, but even if it was, I wouldn't care.
I think his voice definitely is deeper than we hear.
BTW, I was just freaked out by the video for a moment.
The fact that it said "Real Voice" got me.
I thought he fabricated his voice a bit as I state in my first post.
Sorry, if you guys think the thread is pointless. :(
All of the Jackson's (esp M and J) don't talk like they do when they are in public versus behind closed doors. Remember on MJs home movies when he was yelling cuz he didn't wanna be pushed into the pool cuz he just did his hair? His voice was clearly deeper.

I mean that recent video of JD and her tour rehearsals say it all.