Michael's Thoughts On:


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was wondering what did Michael say about afew things. 1. While performing, the fans that pass out.? Was he ever concerned?? Did MJ ever say that he wished he personally, could have helped the fans who have fainted while seeing him?

& 2. the ladies that swooned: For example, (forgive me, I don't know how to word this) in Dangerous Tour he brings up a lady on stage and hugs her while singing Shes Outta My Life if I remember correctly. Near the end, she had to have security take her off him literally. Did MJ ever voice his opinion on the lady fans? And OR bringing fans / girls up on stage with him. {we all know about that one incident that made him blush} lol

Ok those 2 instances: Thank you!
I remember MJ's private home movies, he talks about his shows, he says he doesn't know how people could actually enjoy since they were all there standing, for there were no seats and if there were any, pleople wouldn't want to use them. He also mentions about fans fainting, but... he doesn't say he would like to help them LOL!! I think it must have been shocking for him too.

Here's the link... oh, and here's the very famous and funny "I love to tour" moment :D

I've never been to a show unfortunately but whenever I see concert footage I wonder why the fans are fainting. Is it because it's so hot in the stadiums or that they are so overcome with seeing Michael or a combination of both? I don't think I would have been able to withstand the heat. I get light headed trapped in a crowded subway car in August.
I've never been to a show unfortunately but whenever I see concert footage I wonder why the fans are fainting. Is it because it's so hot in the stadiums or that they are so overcome with seeing Michael or a combination of both? I don't think I would have been able to withstand the heat. I get light headed trapped in a crowded subway car in August.

Dehydration, lack of food and because you have to stand for hours + close crowd with lack of oxygen that makes some feel claustrophobic and like they can't breathe. Sometimes it’s not because you just feel claustrophobic it’s really because you can’t get air since thousands of people are pushing & screaming and jumping on you. Then there are those who get tooooo excited = BOOM they are down for the count. :doh: They anticipate the thrill of finally seeing him and when they do they are so overwhelmed and are overcome by it. :) I have been at his HIStory concert so I can say the crowd is the main reason. :D
Dehydration, lack of food and because you have to stand for hours + close crowd with lack of oxygen that makes some feel claustrophobic and like they can't breathe. Sometimes it’s not because you just feel claustrophobic it’s really because you can’t get air since thousands of people are pushing & screaming and jumping on you. Then there are those who get tooooo excited = BOOM they are down for the count. :doh: They anticipate the thrill of finally seeing him and when they do they are so overwhelmed and are overcome by it. :) I have been at his HIStory concert so I can say the crowd is the main reason. :D

Wow, now I know I wouldn't have been able to withstand that, not with my heat sensitivity and asthma. :)
I think I read something about Michael said that Madonna was jealous of him because her fans didn´t faint.Maybe it was from the rabbis book.
I don´t know how it is with other artists fans.

It has happened that people faints for what I´m doing- I take bloodtests.
They get too tense and forget to breathe.
yes but it seems to me like MJ would be concerned about his fans passing out. but he went on wtih his show/s like a professonal lol
I was at the Victory Tour in Atlanta, Georgia, and their were stadium seats but also on the ground where I was at, they had chairs lined up.....rows and rows. However, no one sat in the seats, and we all either stood on the ground or like me, I stood on the seat. The chairs were really unnecessary.
Dehydration, lack of food and because you have to stand for hours + close crowd with lack of oxygen that makes some feel claustrophobic and like they can't breathe. Sometimes it’s not because you just feel claustrophobic it’s really because you can’t get air since thousands of people are pushing & screaming and jumping on you. Then there are those who get tooooo excited = BOOM they are down for the count. :doh: They anticipate the thrill of finally seeing him and when they do they are so overwhelmed and are overcome by it. :) I have been at his HIStory concert so I can say the crowd is the main reason. :D

Yes, this is absolutely right :)
I was to the only concert he did in my country it was a real adventure. I went on my own and I had just turned 18. Back on those days (1993) there were none of these incredible expensive "Golden", "Silver", "whatever-seats" they sell now. So if you wanted to be close to the stage, you had to arrive as early as possible and be fast to run to the stage as soon as the doors would open.

I arrived by 9:45... in the morning... and the show was scheduled to 21:00.... so you can imagine how long I had to wait. But there were people who arrived even earlier. It was Spring in Chile and the heat was at its highest. I am rather small and quite thin, so there I was: on my own, among thousands of people, no food, no water, no toiletts (!!!!!), under the burning sun of Spring. FOR HOURS!!!! And that was just to get into the stadium.

Finally the doors were opened by 14:00 and I almost get crushed by people, but eventually I managed to be first again and once inside the place, I ran like crazy and it worked!!! I got my place on first row. I was not right under the center of the stage, but to the left, but still first line, with the crowd barrier against my chest aaaaallll day long. But that was by far the best place to be, not only for it was first row, but also because you coul actually breath and if you needed help, it was right there. And being as small and thin as I am, being among the thousands in the crowd would have been simply impossible.

However, that was 50% of the job. Once inside, you really had to fight to keep your place, for people will try hard and without mercy to push you out. There were fights every now and then, but not that big. By the 2nd hour inside, we were really bored... and there were still some other 5-6 hours before the show.

There were many times I really felt like I would die right there, smashed as a potato among the wild crowd. Security was really worried about me and I remember this guard who kept my hand held and from time to time would come to me and ask... "Are you ok? Do you really want to stay here? I can take you out this easy and you can always come back..." But I knew once out, you wer out forever. So I would say no... and will keep my place. There was also a very nice guy by my side and he would tell me "Hold on!!! He is gonna be right there, right in front of us!! Hold on, hold on!!"

Thanks God I did hold on. Many didn't and there were some 100+ who fainted. Some others just asked to be taken away, since they couldn't be there anymore. The heat, the emotion, it was all a real battle.

When the sun finally went donw, things got better, but then the show was closer and people would do anything to get closer to the stage, so you had to keep your "fight" :)

Then.... Carmina Burana started playing and we knew our dream was finally beginning to come true. The rush of emotions, the thrill and the exciment you felt just to listen to those first sounds... I have no words to describe. In fact, just by typing this I am trembling once again.

Finally MJ jumped into the stage and the dream began. And if you think that you had been tight among people, things got worst but we all, all of us, all of a sudden were up, happy, excited, crazy. Just think of it!! All day long there, under the sun, no food, no water, alone (in my case), smashed and tired, but as soon as the teaser was on the big screens, we were all bright new, ready to rock.

And we did!!!! Michael's presence on stage is amazing, electrifying, unbelivable. You can't resist him. You can't fight him. If he would have told us to stand on one leng and touch our right ear with our left hand, we would have done so inmediatly.

He is so incredible, so sweet, so brilliant, so lovely, so GREAT!!! I have never felt that before/after that show. He had us on the palm of his hand. All the time!!! The best show ever. That is why I am so sorry for the ones fainting. They did miss the most incredible show in our country.

A once in a lifetime opportunity for us.

And so it was for me. There I was, out of my mind, screaming, jumping and even dancing! I don't know how, but we did manage to dance to the rythm. It was impossible to fight the sound, the emotions, you just HAD to follow Michael.

But after all that time waiting for him, I wanted a bit more. We were really close to the stage, some 2 meters or less and as he would come to us, we will scream louder and louder. He didn't use earphones, you know, so he could actually listen to us and he did! So eventually, when he came to our side, he stood just in front of me and it seemed to me like he was singing and reaching to me.

I was in shock. The security people started looking at me and to Mike and they also noticed he was there for me. I couldn't believe it so instinctively I pointed to myself like asking "Is it me who you are singing for?" And then the most unexpected thing ever happened.

Michael kept singing while approving with his head and then it was like he said "Yes, it's you", he pointed to me and slowly took his right hand to his lips and blew a kiss to me.

I was paralized. It was so shocking I simply got frozen and could speak, couldn't sing, couldn't move and couldn't hear anything. I just have this precious moment in my head, all the images clear as crystal, slow motion, but no single sound. No sound!! So I don't know which song he was singing!!!!!!

I felt like my heart would stop and he kept there, singing and pointing to me. By that time, people around and in front of me, especially security, were all amazed. "Yes, girl, it is you, it's you!! He is singing to you!!! Tell him something, tell him something!!!", said one of the security crew. Fans by my side and behind me started hitting and tapping my head, my arms, my shoulders and some of them were even agry and asked "What did you say to him??" and then urged me to answer to him. Finally I managed to scream even louder, the highest "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!" you could imagine, while blowing him a million kisses. He was smiling again and people kept asking what I had said to him, how I did it and if I had ever met him before, so he will take so much care of me. But I didn't!!

Finally the dream had to end. He kept smiling and singing, waved goodbye and went to the center of stage.

And there I was.... still on my cloud. Still dreaming of his smile, of his sweet kiss and unable to believe he had chosen ME amongst all those people.

A dream. For some minutes in time, it was all about Michael and me. My one and only MJ Golden moment. Of course, this is like nothing in comparison to those great stories we all know, but for me, living in the last country of the world, all alone there, among so many people, being Michael so out of my reach... for me, it is a treasure I will always keep in my heart. Our moment in time :) And yes, I was not chosen by third-parties to go on stage... but I was chosen by Michael Jackson HIMSELF to be given the sweets moment in my life :D hahahahahaah!!! LOL!!! ;)

Ok... I am sorry... this was completely out of topic but I just let my emotions run free. I just felt I needed to share the experience :D
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^^^Those are the stories I enjoy the most anyways! I am VERY jealous (in a loving jealous way, lol) of you! The cherry on the sundae would have been if you were chosen as the YANA girl! I'm surprised you didn't get chosen! But at lease you knew Michael was looking RIGHT AT YOU!

And it's not one of those "oh she thinks he's looking at her, but its just in her head" business. Other people noticed it too! That's so amazing to me!
PCR, thank you so much for sharing that with us! How incredible!!! The way you wrote made me feel like I was right there. You are so lucky. What an amazing experience. :wub:
PCR wow! Thanks for that description of your concert experience. I guess all those hours prior and leading up to that moment of Michael singing right to you were all worth it in the end. What a sweet memory for you that will last a liftime. :)
I'm sure someone posted here once that there was a tent next door and he went in there after the show? Am I dreaming? LMAO
The "fainting girls" bit never quite happens in concerts by other singers......especially these days!!!!!!!!!
PCR, thank you so much for sharing that with us! How incredible!!! The way you wrote made me feel like I was right there. You are so lucky. What an amazing experience. :wub:

Oh, thank you very much for you words. Yes, indeed, it's one of the most incredible moments of my life. I hardly ever mention this, since it is just a small thing, completely meaningless for most people around. Many simply don't believe me, but I know it happened.

I wish we all had at least one of this little sweet moments in time with MJ. I am sure this is the kind of experiences that really feed us, as fans, but also him, as the loving and caring person he is.

I'm sure someone posted here once that there was a tent next door and he went in there after the show? Am I dreaming? LMAO

now i'm gonna have dreams where i pass out seeing MJ live & up close & then he stops the whole show for me & then we make out in the tent. :clapping:

lmfao. thanks.
awww he said that lol.. thats so sweet actually. man theres not 1 day that goes by that I would be with mj
I honestly cannot think of any modern artists that could cause that reaction amongst fans. I really cant. It truly shows just how amazing MJ is. To get that reaction you have to be special.
Thanks God I did hold on. Many didn't and there were some 100+ who fainted. Some others just asked to be taken away, since they couldn't be there anymore. The heat, the emotion, it was all a real battle.
I heard somewhere a story of a male fan. He'd been to 7 MJ concerts but he never managed to watch one cause he passed out everytime when the concert was about to start. LMAO
I heard somewhere a story of a male fan. He'd been to 7 MJ concerts but he never managed to watch one cause he passed out everytime when the concert was about to start. LMAO

OMG lol though seriously poor guy
PCR thank you so much for sharing that with us! :D

It reminds me of one the happiest moments in my life when I cried out of joy when he was standing in front of us singing Hel The World and the whole stadium was singing with him. I remember people where actually camping outside the stadium for days to be in the front row. My friends had a tent :hysterical:

The memory is so important and preciousfor me since some of my friends who went to that concert with me are no longer with us. A tragic in-door fire disaster took place on the 29th of October, 1998 at a Halloween party the fire killed 63 people and another 213 were injured. More than 50 sustained serious and life altering injuries. Many of my friends died in that fire. :cry:

That was long time ago and I have accepted that life can be real hard sometimes that’s just the way it is. I’m trying to think positive and only remember the best parts and the happiest moments, even if for me accepting MJ's passing is an everyday struggle right now. I really hope the New Year brings peace, joy and happiness to everyone. :angel::)
I’m sooooo sorry I just had to tell my story It feels much better now. :D

Keep Michaeling always and Forever It’s all for L.:wub:.V.E.
