Michael's speech on Love and Freedom, lets not forget his words

I'm in tears right now, you know why? Because this speech shows exactly what kind of human being Michael really was. He truly cared about people. And the media has robbed the world of this knowledge because they didn't want the world to know who Michael Jackson really was. To hear Bill OReilly say that Michael was just an entertainer hurts beyond belief because he was way more than an entertainer. Michael was a great humanitarian, he was a unifier, he was a compassionate soul and an advocate for peace. This is who he really was. And I know P, P and B will know protect this legacy.
I'm in tears right now, you know why? Because this speech shows exactly what kind of human being Michael really was. He truly cared about people. And the media has robbed the world of this knowledge because they didn't want the world to know who Michael Jackson really was. To hear Bill OReilly say that Michael was just an entertainer hurts beyond belief because he was way more than an entertainer. Michael was a great humanitarian, he was a unifier, he was a compassionate soul and an advocate for peace. This is who he really was. And I know P, P and B will know protect this legacy.

Agreed, here is the video of the full speech
