Michael’s Songwriting Statistics


Premium Member
Jul 25, 2011
I love statistics and I was curious about what the exact percentage of Michael’s albums were written by him. So I did some math. I only included his adult albums and the albums that were released while he was still alive. For HIStory and Blood on the Dance Floor, I did not include previously released songs/remixes.

The first percentage represents the songs that have Michael listed as a songwriter, whether he’s the only songwriter or not. The second percentage represents the songs that Michael is credited as the only song writer.

Off the Wall - 10 songs - 30% (20% solo)

Thriller - 9 songs - 44%

Bad - 11 songs - 82%

Dangerous - 14 songs - 86% (21% solo)

HIStory - 15 songs - 80% (47% solo)

BOTDF - 5 songs - 100% (20% solo)

Invincible - 16 songs - 88% (13% solo)

Essential (Greatest Hits) - 61% (45% solo)

Some interesting points:
- Bad was written almost entirely by Michael on his own. It is his most solo written album.
- His least solo written album is Invincible despite being his largest.
- He shares no songwriting credits with anyone else for the songs he wrote for Thriller and Bad.
- Michael has song writing credit for every new song on Blood on the Dance Floor (1997) but only wrote one song solo (Morphine).
- Off the Wall has the least amount of songs written by Michael.
- Over half of Michael’s greatest hits were at least partially written by him.

Let me know if you all are curious about any other Michael Jackson statistics!
Hi! Great statistics! Did you use any specific formula to find the percentages? You also mention that Bad was his album that he wrote by himself (and that's right) but then why is there not a second percent for Bad? (I might be getting something wrong here so sorry if there are any mistakes 😅 ) Oh also because for Thriller there's no second percent that means Michael didn't write any songs on the album himself? just wondering :)
Hi! Great statistics! Did you use any specific formula to find the percentages? You also mention that Bad was his album that he wrote by himself (and that's right) but then why is there not a second percent for Bad? (I might be getting something wrong here so sorry if there are any mistakes 😅 ) Oh also because for Thriller there's no second percent that means Michael didn't write any songs on the album himself? just wondering :)
There’s no second percentage for Thriller or Bad because all the songs Michael wrote for both those albums were written by him and him alone. The other albums have songs both written by him alone and with cowriters, which is why they have two percentages as I wanted to differentiate between songs he cowrote versus songs he wrote completely on his own.

I also didn’t use a specific formula for this. I took the number of songs he wrote and divided by the number of songs on the album and converted to percentages, rounding up as necessary! :)
There’s no second percentage for Thriller or Bad because all the songs Michael wrote for both those albums were written by him and him alone. The other albums have songs both written by him alone and with cowriters, which is why they have two percentages as I wanted to differentiate between songs he cowrote versus songs he wrote completely on his own.

I also didn’t use a specific formula for this. I took the number of songs he wrote and divided by the number of songs on the album and converted to percentages, rounding up as necessary! :)
ohhh ok! Thank you! :)