Michael's relationship with his family


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
:scratch:Do does anyone know why Michael began to distance himself from his brothers/sisters? I already have an idea about why he distance himself from Joe, especially based on his actions in the past 6 months. But do you think that there was a specific incident, or falling out that prompted his actions? Why do you think that his included 3T in his will but not his brothers/sisters and his other nephews and neices?

Are we even allowed to talk about this here?

If so, what do you think?
3T in his will? Really?

Hmm...maybe because they are in the music biz and he just wants to help them out?

I think he left Joe out because of obvious reasons and everyone else maybe because they are grown as siblings and they should take care of themselves?

His mother, the kids and charity are truly the ones to deserve it. Michael made good choices.
Well, in talking about MJs solo career only.....My guess it's because MJ wanted to do his own thing musically after yrs of being a family group and they wanted to still be the J5/The Jacksons! MJ sometimes grew frustrated at his father business dealings with the brothers and how (sorry to say) lazy his brothers can be in the creative process and they let MJ down and he had to do it all himself! I am saying this because if you hear the "Glenda Tapes" (which is obviously MJ speaking) u hear him talk about his dad and in the MoonWalker "Ghost Writer Tapes" you hear MJ talking about the brothers!

Now in a personal level it's anybody guess especially when it comes to his dad which been talked about to death already!
Proffessionaly, I agree with the above post.

Personally, I don't think he really was THAT distant from his family like the Media tries to portray that he was. I think, based on pics I've seen, that he didn't really partcipate in family getherings (in recent years atleast) but that could be beacuse he was busy (I believe) or he just didn't want to bring paparrazi with him (which he most likely would have done since they followed him everywhere). But I think he did have a good (if not great) relationship with his family, especially his neices and nephews.
Well this is just what I read from a book, but apparently his brothers often came to him and asked to do concerts, tours, etc with him...when they wanted money, and Michael didn't like being used for money. He (apparently) took some persuading for some, like the 30th Anniversary concert.
I always had the feeling that they wanted to do reunion concerts all the time. I think Michael wanted to do his own thing. I felt like Michael was moving forward and thinking bigger things that he wanted to do. He loved his family but I think he wanted to keep professional and personal things separate when it came to his family. I could be totally wrong here as I am just guessing.

This is not a put down or anything but I watched a little of the reality show and just watching the brothers trying to organize working on an album I felt frustrtated at how they were. Very disorganized at times. Not sure what they really wanted.
I remember in that raffles interview that Michael did not want to do anything with his brothers like the all good deal, but he said after This Is It, he would consider it. I think MJ loved his family, but he liked to keep his musical work separate
I feel he wanted to keep his family and business life separate. It is hard to distinguish between the two when you work together. Too much tension takes away from the loving family part. Also, I feel his visions far surpassed theirs. That is just like holding an A student back so the class can catch up. That is frustrating for a genius.
I remember in that raffles interview that Michael did not want to do anything with his brothers like the all good deal, but he said after This Is It, he would consider it. I think MJ loved his family, but he liked to keep his musical work separate

what interview? did Raffles interview MJ?
I dont think he was as distant from the family as is made out, by both media and fans. The Jacksons are a big family, and I think its safe to assume that at least some points in his life he has had his disagreements with some members. He has also mentioned the importance of family throughout his life also, so my own personal feeling is that he loved them, despite the disagreements. Which is pretty much your average family anyway.
what interview? did Raffles interview MJ?

It was the interview with Frank DiLeo when they were discussing the AllGood claim against the Estate. Michael loved his family, he was at the dinner they all had back in May, but you need to do things seperatly. I love my family but everyone needs their own thing, especially a genuis like Mike.
It was the interview with Frank DiLeo when they were discussing the AllGood claim against the Estate. Michael loved his family, he was at the dinner they all had back in May, but you need to do things seperatly. I love my family but everyone needs their own thing, especially a genuis like Mike.

oh thanks. I misunderstood.