Michael's plea to the media


Proud Member
May 21, 2008
from 1987 - a message he sent during the Bad tour

"Like the old indian proverb says do not judge a man until you've walked 2 moons in his moccasins. Most people don't know me, that's why they write such things in which most is not true I cry very very often because it hurts and I worry about the children all my children all over the world, I live for them. If a man could say nothing against character but what he can prove, history could not be written. Animals strike, not from malice, but because they want to live, it is the same with those who criticize, they desire our blood, not our pain. But still I must achieve I must seek truth in all things, I must endure for the power I was sent forth, for the world for the children but have mercy, for I've been bleeding a long time now, MJ."


with a couple of articles - from http://www.the-michael-jackson-archives.com/japan.html




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:cry: That makes me sick(what's written in the magazine *A BIZARRE PLEA*???) What is Bizarre about a human being asking for fairness? I've never seen this before. Thankyou for posting it. It just makes me want to :puke: The media has not gotten better, its gotten actually worse from the '80's.

"But still I must achieve I must seek truth in all things, I must endure for the power I was sent forth, for the world for the children but have mercy, for I've been bleeding a long time now, MJ." :cry:

I Love you Michael...:heart:

:cry: That makes me sick(what's written in the magazine *A BIZARRE PLEA*???) What is Bizarre about a human being asking for fairness? I've never seen this before. Thankyou for posting it. It just makes me want to :puke: The media has not gotten better, its gotten actually worse from the '80's.

"But still I must achieve I must seek truth in all things, I must endure for the power I was sent forth, for the world for the children but have mercy, for I've been bleeding a long time now, MJ." :cry:

I Love you Michael...:heart:


i was a witness through much of this. that's why i have an attitude that makes some people mad, on here.
wtf!!! that mag writes what can we make of this column and that's all they can come up with..........

its disgusting, clearly Michael was far to advanced for them to understand. He pleads for fairness with beautiful and thoughtful metaphors and all they can focus on is his handwriting.....

guess they had to comment something but had to draw attention away from the actual meaning. :despair
:sigh: quite stupid how they do the very thing his letter was about. "Animals strike, not from malice, but because they want to live, it is the same with those who criticize, they desire our blood, not our pain." It's funny how people choose to wallow in their own ignorance and stupidity, when at the end of the day they've gained nothing but mindless followers who are easily susceptible to believing their substanceless lies. Michael is above these leeches, and his beautiful plea shows that he will never stoop to their level :heart::wub:
And of course the media in turn proved his point and ripped him to shreds. And what's the big deal about the spelling and grammar mistakes? There's no need to be so mean about it. I always found his spelling and grammar mistakes extremely cute. He was too busy performing every hour of the day to receive the standard 8-3 Monday to Friday education that everyone else had. Plus I would find Michael would be be able to own these 'journalists' in a number of fields if they ever had an intellectual conversation about him. I couldn't see them being able to tell you about the ins and outs of Michaelangelo's work.
The media killed Michael - they made him die of a broken heart. I believe Murray was just the man we could put the blame on, but you often have to investigate deeper. Murray was only one man of probably a thousand that betrayed MJ. Hopefully, if there'll ever be someone comparable to Michael, the world has learned its lesson...but I doubt it.
The day Michael passed it wouldn't have surprised me one bit if alot of people in the media opened up a bottle of Champagne to celebrate
I always got so upset with this kind of thing. :( Everyone talking bad things about Michael. I can not imagine the pain that Michael felt to read and see it. He always spoke the truth and was always so sincere and pure. Michael has always been misunderstood and now things have changed... I think it was too late for all the love and respect Michael as he always deserved.
Why do they say 'BIZZARE' or 'STRANGE' on everything and anything to do with Michael. This is not bizzare or strange. He is talking honestly and intelligently.. how he puts things across is beautiful not bizzare. Damn those papers/magazines - its BIZZARE and STRANGE what they do.

'I want the children to know, there aint nothing strange about you're daddy! It was strange what you're daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it, he dealt with it anyway.'


Though I wish TII had never happened (because MJ would probably still be here if it hadn't), I am glad that he saw that 50 concerts in the massive O2 arena sold out because everyone wanted to see him. He knew he was still loved by masses of people who were flying from all over the world to see him, still in high demand even after 2005 and being slaughtered by the media.
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I was just thinking about this letter the other day.
About how horrible it is that when he wrote something beautiful and poetic asking for mercy, the response was even MORE cruelty.

I agree with you, Rockin'. The way he articulated his feelings was beautiful, not strange. The backlash was the only strange thing.

have mercy, for I've been bleeding a long time now

What he went through was so unfair.
I still can't believe how strong he was. He's such an inspiration.

These tabloid writers break my heart. They're so bloodthirsty and heartless.
if he was so hurt by these claims I can imagine the post '93 allegations and the way they damaged his career and reputation were a living nightmare for him, they made him look like a monster when in fact he was the most gentle harmless naive person
in the end I think he just wanted to be seen as a normal person he never knew what "normal" was, and most of all as a good person
Oh wow what a nostalgia bomb. I remember how he would constantly be like "Don't judge me. You don't know me."

I'm glad that he was trying to be honest, but in the end, all they care about is making money. If they make more money by slandering you, then so be it. I think he learned that a little too late unfortunately.
Why do they say 'BIZZARE' or 'STRANGE' on everything and anything to do with Michael. This is not bizzare or strange. He is talking honestly and intelligently.. how he puts things across is beautiful not bizzare. Damn those papers/magazines - its BIZZARE and STRANGE what they do.

'I want the children to know, there aint nothing strange about you're daddy! It was strange what you're daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it, he dealt with it anyway.'


Though I wish TII had never happened (because MJ would probably still be here if it hadn't), I am glad that he saw that 50 concerts in the massive O2 arena sold out because everyone wanted to see him. He knew he was still loved by masses of people who were flying from all over the world to see him, still in high demand even after 2005 and being slaughtered by the media.

yeah its very strange what the media do/are doing
