Michaels Photographer Kevin Mazur speaks about This Is It


Proud Member
Sep 3, 2007
This article is from the Daily Mirror, I now its tabloid but the actual article itself is quite respectful

Heres are some selcetive quotes from Michaels Photographer Kevin Mazur about Michaels final rehearsals

He said the singer bounded the stage in a dark grey suit and headpiece shouting: "Come On - Lets Make This Happen"

He performed one of his familiar spins before proclaiming: "This is where I belong"

"Can You Feel It Kevin? Why oh why have I left for so long"

"The only thing missing is my fans, my people, my family - and they will come"

Kevin watched spellbound as J**** Performed his enitre set for an hour and a half, He sang 12 songs, stopping only to wipe his brow with a towel"

At One Point J**** Blew a kiss into the auditorium, announcing: "This is me, the true me. I feel so alive. Ifeel as though I want to perform forever"

Kevin Said: "He was like an expectant father pacing up and down the stage. He was focused"

"Between songs, he burst into laughter and joked around with the dancers and director. I have never seen him so happy". "But there was a cool professionalism about him. He was there to do a job and boy, did he do it well. It was incredible"

Kevin said the highlights of the frentic set included a Jackson Five Medley, Black Or White & thriller".

'Michael and Kenny Ortega were talking about Smooth Criminal and Michael loved all the effects that accompanied the son.

"They were even talking about using a cheery picker to pick up an audience member from the crowd"

Kevin said he could tell J**** took most pleasure from singing 1984 hit Thriller again after all these years. Striding on in a haze of smoke, the star calmly snapped his fingers and launched into the song as if it were recorded yesterday. "It was incredible" says Kevin. "You could tell Michael was so excited.

They had loads of puppeteers which were to be suspended into the crowd. Michael and Kenny went along the line of them afterwards, picking out their favourites

"The only thing I didn't see during the rehearsals were two aerial lifts into the crowd that Michael was planning to do. It was really sensational stuff"

Kevin said he was totally devastated by J****'s death - especially since he had seemmed so upbeat and full of life just hours earlier. he Said "When he hit the stage everyone was just mesmerised"

"He had this incredible energy. He was happy, laughing and having fun with the dancers. He looked the same old Michael to me"

Kevin says he refuses to believe claims J**** was in fragile stage or beffundled by prescription drugs. He said "He was totally there -100 per cent there in fact. You would never suspect this would ever have happened - Especially after this performance on stage.

Kevin said the oeverridiing feeling from the rehearsals was Michael's sense of duty to his fans: "He was a perfectionist. He had that speak about him - That desire to create something special and give people the very best he could".
this is a good article. i saw this on another site tonight - i can't remember if it was on the forum or not. what is this mention of Michael in a grey suit? I read something today about that photo going around - does anyone know where it is?
Besides their copious use of a certain term, it was a good read. He was so ready for this. He was going to rock our world. We are forever your people Michael!
Wow...that's nice. I'd like to believe all those quotes are real. :)
(Wow, I'm finally allowing myself to use emoticons. They didn't feel right a few days ago).
The bit about the cherry picker was hilarious.
thats a lovely article, these need to outnumber the fake ones. I dont understand why people are soo into beleiveing an article that says "sources close to" etc when this gu doesnt hide himself under any veil he was there and he tells like it is, and yet people still feel more inclined to trust in rumour.

The pic i think he is reffering to is in the NEW pics This is it Thread, scroll down its there
I'm confused, do you think we should be happy that he was happy before his death? or sad that he didn't get to show it to the world?
thats a lovely article, these need to outnumber the fake ones. I dont understand why people are soo into beleiveing an article that says "sources close to" etc when this gu doesnt hide himself under any veil he was there and he tells like it is, and yet people still feel more inclined to trust in rumour.

The pic i think he is reffering to is in the NEW pics This is it Thread, scroll down its there

oh, yeah - thanks - that is the pic
Oh Michael :\

It just goes to show, one minute we can be here full of life and enjoying life and then the next minute we can be gone! Michael knew that, and I think he allways tried to live life to its fullest, and that is what he taught! So we must all put that into practice.
Noooooooooooo! They were going to pick up a fan!!!!! :(:(:(: Nooooooooo with my a block tickets, i may have met my musical hero

rest in peace michael, you gave your heart, you did everything for love.
so devastated while reading :(

but most importantly, he was very happy defore he died ;)

keep the faith, he's with angels now :)
I love you Mike !!! You are, you were and you will be always a LEGEND !!!

An icon, the KING OF POP!!!

You are in better place now, and you are probably dancing and singing with angels :)
I'm confused, do you think we should be happy that he was happy before his death? or sad that he didn't get to show it to the world?

I feel both things at the same time. One thing I take comfort in is that he lived long enough to see how ready the world was to welcome him again.
If this had happened after the trial, I would have been completely destroyed. A part of me still think that the trial and all the pressure he had lived with for so long, is what made this happen.
I have a hard time believing he was doped up, and taking too mutch medication. All the reports about him being so energetic, happy, focused contradict that. And I trust the reports from named sources who worked with him, instead of all the hearsay, and aquantances, and the fiction of the media.
I just think his heart was worned out. :(
He performed one of his familiar spins before proclaiming: "This is where I belong"

"Can You Feel It Kevin? Why oh why have I left for so long"

"The only thing missing is my fans, my people, my family - and they will come"

:cry::cry: He really said that?
Such a lovely article.

I really enjoyed reading how Michael was enjoying himself.

I still can't believe he's gone...he had so much more to show us.
Its nice to see the daily mirror has written something positive for once...they usually stick with the tabloid trash...
i just have a question:

arent there any comments on MJ`s death from his background dancers?!?! some of them have twitter or myspace, right? Did they say anything?
i just have a question:

arent there any comments on MJ`s death from his background dancers?!?! some of them have twitter or myspace, right? Did they say anything?

I only know about Orianthi's twitter (guitarist)...I wonder what others have to say about the rehearsals. I'm sick of some people saying he was frail and disinterested and others the opposite.
This is the most positive Article about Michael, however i feel so regret that Michael couldn't give us such a convulse Performence and show the world how undefeatable he is.

Although he knew we all love him, we should have the Chance to gladden him with our crazy cheers...

i am so sad and hate the 50 Concerts plan, is really unbearable even to a health young person, Michael did only need 10 or less but not the exhaustible battle, for he wanted to give his very best to his Fans...

my heart is going into pieces again and again with all of those daily reports on Michael, i am so tired but cant stop thinking of that...so empty inside...
very nice read. i really hope they release the DVD of this stuff...

im telling you this whole thing has me very suspicious... for him to be absolutely fine and then gone. but i guess thats just the way it is sometimes (like Jonathan Larson from rent, missing out on the biggest moment of his career...)