Michael's new album title


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Is there already a title for Michael's new album that's release starts in June? I think 'Come Back' would be a great title. Or then 'Peace', 'Innosense','Escape', 'On The Edge' or 'Vaultage'..
Dont we have numerous threads on this topic already?
hmm .. I don't like Come Back:no:, it doesn't sound well - I love Escape:wub: - Innocence is too ...:scratch:- Vaultage ? what does that mean (sorry I'm french :D)
Why do you people keep alking about the "new album"? There has been nothing officially said. Just fans acting like "insiders" making up shit! If its not on michaeljackson.com its not real.
From the Sony deal announcement, March 16, 2010, on michaeljackson.com:

With this new agreement, Sony Music's Columbia Epic Label Group and Legacy Recordings will continue their term of rights to his catalog and also create new projects for Michael Jackson featuring the never-before-released Jackson recordings. The first project featuring unreleased music is expected for release in November 2010.

Why do you people keep alking about the "new album"? There has been nothing officially said. Just fans acting like "insiders" making up shit! If its not on michaeljackson.com its not real.
Why do you people keep alking about the "new album"? There has been nothing officially said. Just fans acting like "insiders" making up shit! If its not on michaeljackson.com its not real.

Wow. That most be the worst post ever made!

Had you been on this board for a long time you would know that some members here have very reliable sources. They have gotten info for us months before it was officially released.

Also you say it's not official before it's on MJ's official homepage yet you didn't even bother go there and check if it actually was - and it IS! - It has been for months!

So before you get all negative and talk bad about some members who are friendly enough to tell us inside info from there sources you should go back the forum and make some researche before you post angry and stupid post like this one.
Why do you people keep alking about the "new album"? There has been nothing officially said. Just fans acting like "insiders" making up shit! If its not on michaeljackson.com its not real.

It was announced back in March that there would be an album in November when the deal was finalised and the sources we have on here are incredibly reliable and have been for years. MichaelJackson.com has always been a bit slow, as the information gets out so quickly its plastered all over the net before it even makes MJ.com. Its been that way for god knows how long.
Wow. That most be the worst post ever made!

Had you been on this board for a long time you would know that some members here have very reliable sources. They have gotten info for us months before it was officially released.

Also you say it's not official before it's on MJ's official homepage yet you didn't even bother go there and check if it actually was - and it IS! - It has been for months!

So before you get all negative and talk bad about some members who are friendly enough to tell us inside info from there sources you should go back the forum and make some researche before you post angry and stupid post like this one.

let's not get really angry at angry posts. it doesn't make either post look legitimate. let everybody have their opinions, until something is actually released. people have rights to their opinions. bashing another member doesn't add to stock in the validity of what you are trying to tell someone.

the reality is, if there were any sources that were able to know exactly what was up with Invincible, i never knew about Invincible, till it was released. so...i don't want to be intimidated, if i feel like just accepting what ever material is released, if and when it is released, rather than worrying about all that is said, way before something actually happens.
They should name MJ"s next name as a self titled album, or simply titled "Legacy"
They should name MJ"s next name as a self titled album, or simply titled "Legacy"

I love this one, but it sounds like it would be the last of the last, that makes me feel :sad: and as Michael had made a lot of stuff unreleased I hope we will have some others :angel: