Michaels music on the radio?


Proud Member
Aug 25, 2009
Is Michael's Music still being played on the radio's in America? i havent heard a Michael Jackson song being played in ages on the radio.
i want everyone to hear his music on the radio more often.
Here in Poland MJ's on air so often, his old hits esspecialy :p But even This Is It I hear like 3 times a day and I don't listen to radio much :p
but of course I can't say how it works in US
Well, I very rarely listen to the radio these days because I never hear anything worth listening to, but just last weekend I happened to turn it on and some station was playing DSTYGE. They then followed that up with "Thriller".
So that was a nice little surprise.

I blasted it down the highway. :lol:
I never tune in our radio stations anymore.
But, I can say this much, they did play his music non stop after his passing, all the way through for a couple of weeks before it began to settle down.
Im sure a station here and there will play a track casually, once in a while. But I dont know for sure as i just dont tune in anymore. I listen to all my music online, by choice.
Our radio plays too much music that just isn't my cup of tea.
Heart plays MJ all the time which I love. I don't listen to it much as I usually whack my IPod so its MJ all day every day but whenever the radio is on MJ gets played a lot. The only thing I hate about it is that they continue to refer to him using the dreaded J word. But in all fairness they don't mean it maliciously.
I still hear Michael Jackson music on the radio.

I'm a big basketball fan and they his music a lot at quite a few NBA arenas
For me in Canada where I live I hear him on the radio once in awhile. I wish they would play him more. Sometimes you hear current songs from people like 10 times a day when there are other songs to play like Michael's.
I don't listen to the radio much anymore, but about a month ago I was listening, and I heard "Beat It." I never heard "This Is It" on the radio. :(
i have to listen to a "lite mix" station at work and they do not play michael stuff very often. very rarely (like once every few months) i have heard billie jean, they play i'll be there by the j5 quite often though. never heard any non-j5, non-billie jean songs though :(
I have heard Michael Jackson songs on the radio station many times before his death, but I mostly listen to an R&B and Classic soul station so that the reason why I heard it so much on there.
Heart plays MJ all the time which I love. I don't listen to it much as I usually whack my IPod so its MJ all day every day but whenever the radio is on MJ gets played a lot. The only thing I hate about it is that they continue to refer to him using the dreaded J word. But in all fairness they don't mean it maliciously.

Same here. They played an MJ song yesterday morning and they called him the J word and I was like "Don't call him that!!!"

But yea they do play a lot of MJ songs :D
I have heard Michael Jackson songs on the radio station many times before his death, but I mostly listen to an R&B and Classic soul station so that the reason why I heard it so much on there.

Those are the stations that I listen to also. They never stopped playing his music.
I never hear him here. Honestly...when I was little I never listened to the radio much, so in my whole life (I'm almost 25) I've only heard Michael on the radio ONCE...which was like a month or so after he died...and it was the classic Billie Jean.

This is why I never listen to the radio.
Gosh I really don't know. Don't listen to the radio. My MP3 is enough. I will have to listen this weekend and get back to you guys. If any station is playing his music it's 93.9Kiss FM (Raleigh, NC), which means nothing to a lot of you. But they repped Mike so good after he left us. The only station around here that really represented.
I never hear him on the radio. It seems strange that they seem to never play his music. I listen to the radio a lot, too, about 1 and 1/2 hours every other day, while I'm exercising. Maybe I'm just not listening to the right radio station? who knows...
Radio station sucks.. Theres the beat 94.5 that pumps garbage music day and night. Same shit on repeat. Then theres 95.3 that plays MJ music, but usually remixed. Then there is 103.5 QMFM that play soft rock, they play MJ music but then you have to sit through a bunch of love songs. If you want to listen to MJ music constantly with more good music. Go on to shoutcast.com and click on 80`s and 90`s hits, i SWEAR you will hear MJ to a point where you will get sick of it..:hysterical: Well thats just an expression, its really good, and thats what we play at work.
His music here isn't played on the radio all that much, BUT just about everytime I go to Riverlink which is our local shopping centre there is always just about every store that will play one of MJ's songs while I'm there. "Diva" "Target" & "Supre" are the main stores I usually hear him in.