Michaels most personal song?


Proud Member
Aug 6, 2011
What do you think is Michaels most personal song? Stranger in Moscow would be an obvious choice, but if you listen to the lyrics of Is It Scary i think thats definately one of his most personal.
Well MJ said that 'Childhood' was his most personal song. I always thought "Will you be there" was but MJ's opinion trumps mine.
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Well he said that 'Childhood' was his most personal song. I always thought "Will you be there" was, but MJ's opinion of it trumps mine.

oo yea i cant believe i forgot about those two.
Childhood and Stranger in Moscow are the only songs I can remember him admitting were his most personal. Childhood more so then SIM.
Yep, Agree with Stranger in Moscow as well...
and I'm sure there are many more...
What about "Bless his soul" by the Jacksons in 1978. Written by Michael and Randy, I think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWTv1unMkSg

Bless His Soul

I try to do what's right for me
But no one sees the way I see
And then I try to please them so
But how far can this pleasing go
Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start doing what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself
Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
If I were you, I'd change my mind
And start living for me in these changing times
Sometimes I cry ,cause I'm confused
Is this a fact of being used
There is no life for me at all
'Cause I give myself at beck and call
Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start doing what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself
Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
If I were you, I'd change my mind
And start living for me in these changing times
The life you're leading is dangerous
It's so dangerous, dangerous all
The life you're leading is dangerous
Doggone dangerous, dangerous, dangerous
Something's soon to come over you
You just can't please the world and yourself
You gotta start being what's right for you
'Cause life is being happy yourself
Then you should bless his soul
It's hard to find
A person like you
You're one of a kind
People will cry
If rain or sun
Try to please all
And you've pleased none
Childhood, Will You Be There, Stranger In Moscow, and You Are My Life, which I think is about his kids.
There are many songs but I believe "Childhood" is the most personal song and I love it.
i have some memory but is unclear where i remember him saying if you wanted to understand him to listen to childhood... but idk.... all his songs were personal to him at the time he wrote/recorded them... she's out of my life always evoked strong emotion from him... but so did many others, which one probably changed with time depending on what he was experiencing at that given time.
since the title said SONG so: Childhood (of course)

but i believe these ones come after it:
Stranger in Moscow
Will You Be There
D.S & 2 Bad
Childhood, They Don't Care About Us, Stranger In Moscow, Morphine, Is it Scary, GHOSTS (SONY RELATED, TO ME AT LEAST, people in the press), Unbreakable(sony related) Monkey Business (like he doesnt trusted anybody, sadly the ones he trusted were the WORST), WILL YOU BE THERE (to the people surrounding him) Privacy(to the press) The Lost Children(about his true love for making the world a better place for children, and i feel he felted like a lost child himself most of his life:(), wow there are so many, i could name docens.

From `The Lost Children'

"Home with their fathers,
Snug close and warm, loving their mothers
I see the door simply wide open
but noone can find thee"

He's talking about his childhood, obviously he didnt have that kind of loving father thing, the way he sings`But noone can find thee' he's like screaming crying in sorrow almost asking for someone to find(understand) him, and if you listen that part well, it sounds like he sings "noone can find ME, instead of thee" its a tender yet hurtful song
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Who is it, Speechless and Liberian girl seem really personal to me.
It's something about the way he's sings these songs.
Childhood as Michael has said, Stranger in Moscow, Will you be there and I think that privacy is also a very personal song!
it should be Childhood as he mentioned before.
then followed by will you be there,stranger is Moscow
i think Money also
"i'll never betray or deceive you my friend
but if you show me the cash ,then i will take it"
ppl around him are not at his best interest,they juz want $