"Michael's Melody" - a birthday song


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
Hey guys, I wrote a song today for Michael for his birthday...and I wanted to share. :)
You can listen to it here: http://amygrace.com/MichaelsMelody.html

Or view a slide show with it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW_ywsFWEp4
Thank you for listening... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael!
Here are the lyrics...

"Michael's Melody (Happy Birthday, baby)"

You gave your life, your love and your vision
You dedicated your heart and soul
To help change this place that we live in
Make a brighter and better world

You're a gift that keeps on giving
You made this life worth living
And I wish that you could see it
You've got the whole world singing...​

Dance, dance, we're dancing the tears away
Bump, bumpin' to the rhythms of love you gave
Our lives are forever changed
So Happy Birthday, baby

(You're forever in our hearts)

You've reached out and touched the hearts of millions
And even though your body is gone
I see your spirit in the faces of children
And I know you'll be a part of generations to come​

Your memory is living
So We'll continue singing...​


-©2009 Amy Grace, August 29th, 2009
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So I've just decided that it's not fair you get to be so talented. LOL. You take amazing pictures, you have obvious computer graphic talent, and now you can sing and put together music, and play guitar. I officially sarcastically hate you and your multi-talentedness. LOL jK but for real, it's not fair. LOL :D
Thank you Elise!

So I've just decided that it's not fair you get to be so talented. LOL. You take amazing pictures, you have obvious computer graphic talent, and now you can sing and put together music, and play guitar. I officially sarcastically hate you and your multi-talentedness. LOL jK but for real, it's not fair. LOL :D

Aw...haha, well thank you for the great compliment of seeing talent in me on many counts! :blush: But girl, don't even act like you ain't talented! I've read your poems...you are a beautiful writer! And I'm sure there's more where that came from. ;)

For me, I'm just a dabbler in all things art...some are my strong points, others I just enjoy doing for fun whether I'm real good at it or not...lol.