Michaels latest visits to doctors?


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
We have now read some fans post that Michael Jackson was very thin his last months. We seen him many time recently visit the doctor, we thought it was because he was going to tour and that he "checked" himself that he was in good health.
At one point he had a bag with the name "skin cancer" on it. Could cancer medicine + sleepin pills or something caused his death?

Or did he visit the doctor so much lately because he was so thin?

Someone must have answere to this. There are so many people that know everything! But with media you cant get any informaion. Maybe Jackson family will know something, and i hope they tell us what was up.
I don't think the family would know a lot if it's true that MJ avoided them when it came to interventions. But I'm sooo sure all those docs areound him knew. And I hope the police will take care of that.
At one point he had a bag with the name "skin cancer" on it. C
no it wasnt.
mj visited klien for years we dont know what he was going for.maybe cosmetic stuff for the tour maybe treatment for the vit as someone posted u can have sessions that last x amount of months. and mj wore a surgical net sometimes when leaving.klien said he treated mjs scalp for painful laisons caused by the lupus.

he was a dermotologist nothing to with being skinny
Dr Klein who worked at the medical centre, who Michael was going to in recent months has already done an interview saying he was just working on fillers on Michael's nose helping to reconstruct his nose, treat his skin from acne scars etc