Michael's Intelligence


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brooklyn NY
I'm sorry if this was posted already..but I couldnt help but notice how smart and articulate the man was.

His vocabulary was so amazing and the way he speaks is just breathtaking.

I was watching the Diane Sawyer Interview, she was trying to dog him of course and not only was I impressed at how he kept calm and cool even though she was being rude instead of being a reporter, journalist whatever you wanna call it.

He was always so well spoken, I can't believe no one gave the credit he deserved.
so true. He wasn't college educated and clearly that doesnt matter. He was worldy educated and so much smarter than people I know who are in school with me, lol. He learned with his heart, I think.
I love his wealth of knowledge and way of expressing himself and his thoughts. Amazing
He was a very curious person, he was curious about life, always willing to study, he always wanted to learn smth new using books, his own life experience, experience of other people. So not only he had enourmous knowledge in music and dancing, but he was also educated in so many aspects in life. This is another reason I respect him very much for.

Although some people to see Michael as a man who has always been fragile and manipulated, I see exactly the opposite. Michael was always a very intelligent man and front of everything and everyone. A man with an incredible knowledge about all things in the world. I think Michael has always had trouble saying "no" sometimes to people, but when he found himself faced with a problem or when things were getting bad, he gave a twist and always managed to resolve all things brilliantly. Intelligent and an incredible inner strength to be able to withstand all the pains that he had been committed. He could be ousted by others, but he immediately got up getting stronger and always has been in his life. There has never been frailties and weaknesses in this man, but a great strength from God to him. That's how I see Michael and so I'll see you always.
I would add something, but you guys described his intelligence to a tee...I really admire him for his intelligence...I think he is so brilliant in everyway...Side note...I also love his handwriting/penmanship...It's really cool...lol
Its official Michael was the closest thing to human perfection.

Oh man how I would have loved to see Michael on a debate team :D
I like how he doesn't explain things in a normal way...like "let it bathe in the moonlight!"

Now to some people that sounds like a load of nonsense, but it's not, I think he has these images in his mind, I suppose like a metaphor...

'Bathe', what comes to your mind when you think this? "content", "warmth", "immersed" and you're just happy where you are...you don't want to get out...

Then there's "moonlight", I think he was thinking of the music being like the moonlight, I felt that...

I can't really explain it well in words, but I just get it in my mind. -_-
Yes, he was definitely very smart. I see a lot of wisdom in his way of thinking, and I've pretty much thought the same way about the world as he does. It just makes so much sense to me.
I really love listening to him explain things...It really expands my mind, makes me think outside the box...I always strive to see things the way he does...I love reading Dancing the Dream for that reason...You guys know what I mean??
Yes, he was definitely very smart. I see a lot of wisdom in his way of thinking, and I've pretty much thought the same way about the world as he does. It just makes so much sense to me.

I feel the same and I find it so amazing to feel connected to him in that way. I could listen to him speak for hours.. It would of been amazing to sit before him and listen.. And he is shy too which just makes him totally adorable and I totally understand that too. Not a lot of people think and express themselves like he did, so sometimes it's hard to be yourself.. I find Michael very inspirational for doing just that. :yes: :wub:
:yes: Mankind: Take notes.

I like how he doesn't explain things in a normal way...like "let it bathe in the moonlight!"

Now to some people that sounds like a load of nonsense, but it's not, I think he has these images in his mind, I suppose like a metaphor...

'Bathe', what comes to your mind when you think this? "content", "warmth", "immersed" and you're just happy where you are...you don't want to get out...

Then there's "moonlight", I think he was thinking of the music being like the moonlight, I felt that...

I can't really explain it well in words, but I just get it in my mind. -_-

I really love listening to him explain things...It really expands my mind, makes me think outside the box...I always strive to see things the way he does...I love reading Dancing the Dream for that reason...You guys know what I mean??
I would add something, but you guys described his intelligence to a tee...I really admire him for his intelligence...I think he is so brilliant in everyway...Side note...I also love his handwriting/penmanship...It's really cool...lol

Ha ha ha Mike musta had the worst handwriting in the world :lol:

Michael was smart in his own way, he definatley knew alot about many many things, despite not being very good at articulating himself properly, or being understood. If you listen to one of his inteviews with preconceptions about him, his intelligence is easily overlooked (and joked about :mat:) Nonetheless he was really knowledgeable :) and I love reading things where people are taken aback about the extent of his knowledge. He was always full of surprises.
Yes.....when I read "Dancing the dream", I was speechless. Totaly.Pure perfection...sometimes even too much for a ordinary person. Genious. Sometimes I feel that every single word he says has a special meaning. And then ....it seems like he is just like you and me. He never stops to puzzle me. I would like to know what his IQ was, I bet it was extremely high.
What about Michael's IQ?

I just want to know where people got this information because I googled "Michael Jackson IQ score" :)D) and seems like everyone has an answer? :scratch: In between 96 to 162!

so, anybody knows about MJ's IQ? is there an official statement about it?
I have definitely taken note of this. Michael was very intelligent. This is a man who did not finish high school and yet he was very articulate. He may not have had a formal education but his education came from world travels and just being curious and hungry to learn.

I would love to know what his IQ was also. Don't creative types have high IQ's? They don't follow conventional answers (or something like that...my IQ is low, lol).
Very intelligent, wise, intuitive, perceptive, shall I go on? :lol:
Michael Jackson was living proof that one needs not pay thousands of dollars per year to obtain a true education. The opportunity to educate oneself is all around. It is as free and deep as the ocean, accessible to all who bother to seek it. One needs only the will.

Formal "education" only grants you a diploma. The paper itself states nothing about one's intelligence. The only thing it certainly states is that thousands of dollars went into the effort to obtain it, and nothing more. One may have worked for it or cheated all the way. I've met college students and graduates who are dumber than a rock, yet they attend/graduated from decent universities.

In any case, Michael Jackson was a musical genius and an extremely intelligent and well-read man. He never went to college, yet he was smarter than the majority of college graduates. I'm not anti-college, but I am against the generally accepted idea that the only way to get an education is to pay thousands of dollars and attend some institution. It is simply not true.