Michael's influence on my life


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm so sorry I couldn't post here sooner, but I was feeling... Well... Empty...

Poor Michael had so much influence in my life since I first heard of him. The first contact with anything Michael I've ever had was the "Moonwalker" game I played on a Sega Genesis emulator. (I would've bought the game if I could, but it was long out-of-print by then) Anyways, I was 12. Or 13. I don't remember exactly. I played the game to no end. One day, my father recognised the music, and I became seriously interested in Michael's music from that day on. I've listened to nearly all of the albums, and soon got to know him through it nearly personally. It was a big turn in my life. I suddenly wanted to be like him, dance like him, write music like he did. I wore several pairs of new socks practicing the moonwalk, spent hours watching the videos and listening to the music. Through him and a pair of other artists, I had finally found my way into the world of great music. I looked up similar artists, influences, contemporaries... I started listening to music more and more actively, until it became an essential part of my life.

A couple of years later, I got my bass. Beautiful instrument. And when I first started writing music, only then I saw how much influence Michael and similar artists had and have on me. Especially Michael in terms of mood. His music was always had this wonderful, relaxed atmosphere, this happiness in it... He was more and more of a musical genius in my eyes every day. And he still is. I've got to say 'thanks' to Michael for a lot - his music helped me through some rough times, and that expirience helped me get to know him nearly personally through his music and moves. And to tell you the truth, that's how I define a great artist, an eternal one: a person who is able to touch many hearts deeply only through his/her works, and make friends the same way - through works - with only a little or no physical contact.

And now that Michael is gone, I feel like I've lost a neighbor or a relative... He has made a huge influence on my life, he passed away, yet still left a body of work behind that's more than a sum of its parts. When I heard the news, at first I thought "this must be another rumour like most other ones - just like when they were talking he was thrown under a train by a crazed fan", but then I found out it was real. I suddenly felt empty. And I'll say it again, I felt like I lost a relative that day. I just went back home, took out my LP copy of "Thriller" and played it in remembrance. I was just... "He's singing... But he died... Yet he's still singing..." My brain was just stuck in that weird loop. The weather outside was also strangely fitting - there was rain, but the sun was shining through the punctured clouds at the same time. I don't know whether the sun was there to make it all only a little less tragic or a hell lot more... I didn't know what to make of that - is it hope, or is it there to make the clouds stand out more...?

It was hope. Our clocks are ticking. We count the days. And we have a lot of work on our hands - we've got to help the rest of the world. The world is a living thing composed of living things. And those living things are composed out of living things. And when a living thing is hurt, those smaller living things do their best to heal it. And when the world is hurt, those bigger living things do their best to heal it. The world is like a fractal, but it's like an arch, too. There's no biggest arch, no smallest one, but every arch consists of a number of smaller ones. And every smaller arch is a keystone in the bigger one it builds. Everything you do, no matter how big or small (it's only relative) counts. Everything counts. And Michael's premature, tragic death and everything related to it only brought more power to his message - heal the world. Michael counts, his works count. Now we have got to listen to him and make ourselves and our works count. For the good of everyone else, we've just got to do that. He wants us to do something, we want to do something, and we can if we want to!

Heal the world.