Michaels influence on me


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael has always inspired me to do good and be the best I can since I started loving him. But since June 25th I feel I owe it too him for everything he gave me in my life and the world to try harder.

I never pass up people collecting for charity anymore. If i'm in school alot of times groups come around collecting money for all diffrent types of causes and usually all the money that goes into my pocket goes too them.

If im really doubting if I should give money, I wanted something stupid like to get something to eat I think "What would Michael do?" or Heal the world starts playing in my head or "if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at you're self and make that change" pops up.

I wanted to share this with everyone because by me doing little things like this has helped me out and has made grieving a little eaiser.

Has anyone done anything similar?
Your words have really touched me, to tears. This is really beautiful. Unfortunately, this is what is wrong with today's world. Most people are cold and selfish, basically. They only care about themselves, or about how something affects them, personally. They have no empathy for the feelings or the personal plight of others. This is what Michael railed against for all of his life. This is what he wanted to change. He wanted us to love each other, to care about what happens to us and our world, for the sake of the human race. You're so right, we must not let die his own message ... we are a drop but together we are an ocean ... save the world ... heal the world :boohoo
Michael has said the word is sick
It is time to Heal The World - 4 years until it's to late
Michael taught me love , and what true charity really is .. When I think of him , I think of making the world a better place .. And since I was little , I've always wanted to do what he did.. To spread love , and heal the world through music.. I really love music:) He had a very pure soul and the innocence of a child, and that made him so special.. Now , everyday I think of Michael , and try to do the best for the world:) everytime I see a child suffering from hunger , I can't help it but cry .. Everyday, I have this in my mind; what can I do ? 'cause if you want to make a change , you have to start with yourself. If everybody do that , can you imagine how the world would have be ?
In 2008, someone asked me "whats your new years resolution!" and i said " to be a better person" and i dont know if i am but i am trying.