Michael's ghost


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you think Michael's ghost will be haunting paparazzis especially around LA? I know some paps (they are not friends of me at all) and one of them said he is going to catch a picture of Michael after his death...

Don't you think Michael's ghost is pretty easy to recognize. The glove, the socks and all the walking. Kinda crotch grabbing ghost..
Why would I be kidding... Don't you believe in ghosts?
:lol: You're right! Let's hope he does! Haha
I would like to see their scared faces in the news for once!
i don't believe in ghosts but i believe in reincarnation i think he'll come back as something beautiful, a butterfly a beautiful bird.

which is why i never kill bugs..you don't know who your killing.
and its been wierd i probably sound so crazy but its almsot like bugs keep coming to me a moth did earlier and an ant. sounds stupid but hey
Their memories of how they've ruined peoples lives will haunt them until the day they die.
i don't believe in ghosts but i believe in reincarnation i think he'll come back as something beautiful, a butterfly a beautiful bird.

which is why i never kill bugs..you don't know who your killing.
and its been wierd i probably sound so crazy but its almsot like bugs keep coming to me a moth did earlier and an ant. sounds stupid but hey
I also believe in re-incarnation, but from what I know once you're a human you just can't go backwards... Maybe if you're Hitler of course... then you'll be be born as a cockroach... lol
I imagined that Michael is soaring through the universe, he is 10 years old, and he is dressed like Peter Pan.
Ok, since I'm a bit of an expert in supernatural things, lol, I'll tell you a bit about ghosts:

Ghosts, or what we perceive as ghosts, are most of the time imprinted energy "fingerprints" in the time/space domain, which usually replay over and over again. If you're sensitive to this energy you'll feel it. Spirits though are a different matter. They can have bodies (as we have here on earth) but they're not earthly bodies, they're spiritual bodies. End of...lesson. lol
I hope Michael comes back and really scares the f*ck out of the people who ever sh*t on him.

We all now he was always playing jokes on people and I can imagine he is going to have so much fun freaking people out.

Id pay too see the look on there faces.

But on the other hand your right that will be the next headline 'THE GHOST OF MICHAEL JACKSON'
I Pray for the Peace for his soul. And also hope, he will be able to visit us from Heaven via spirit, to be with his children, with family, friends. We need you, Michael :cry:
Michael won't touch him any more...

But if this people have any conscience, Michael will come to them in their ghastly dreams... They deserved it
does anyone have the quote where mj said he'd like to be invisible so he could smack a pap off a bike or soemthing to that effect?
Michael was always a very kind, caring person. I don't think he would do something like that to anyone. He's free of all the pain of this world now. I don't think people hang on to negative feelings when they die, unless they're grounded here because they are unable to let go and move on into the next life. I think he's at peace now.
I think Michael will be giving it large up there with James Brown etc.

Seriously we don't know what happens after death, as a catholic my teaching is that the soul lives on in eternity, I believe if there is a spirit world Michael would not be a manevolent one, maybe troubled. He didn't want to die, he didn't mean to, and if it was drugs he made a choice and took the risks and he never blamed other people, even when he should have.
:) he was not of an unkindly nature -- going from one world to the next will not change his nature -- just his location and he is free :) he can walk anywhere he wants to without being mobbed. he can go to the grocery store if he wants to and shop til he can't shop no more. and yes :) he can fly like Peter Pan! He is Peter Pan... he can do anything :)
does anyone have the quote where mj said he'd like to be invisible so he could smack a pap off a bike or soemthing to that effect?

LOL! I just posted that on twitter not too long ago

"Who would I like 2 slap?... {laughs]... I think I'd find 1 of the tabloid paparazzi & kick his ass, MOONWALK STYLE" ~ Michael Jackson '02


If you were invisible for a day in London, what would you do?

MJ: Oh boy. Who would I like to slap? Let me see {laughs]... I think I'd find one of the tabloid paparazzi and kick his ass, moonwalk style. I'd really like to knock them off one of those little scooters they ride around on, I really would, knock the cameras right out of their hands. They're so annoying. I'd go for them first, yeah. They drive you nuts. You can't get away from them. It's terrible.

Gold Magazine Interview 2002 - 'Meeting The King'

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i don't believe in ghosts but i believe in reincarnation i think he'll come back as something beautiful, a butterfly a beautiful bird.

which is why i never kill bugs..you don't know who your killing.
and its been wierd i probably sound so crazy but its almsot like bugs keep coming to me a moth did earlier and an ant. sounds stupid but hey

If reincarnation exists, I hope that was his last and final reincarnation on Earth. I feel it is.
He will move on to become a higher form.
I dont wanna think this is true, but when you are dead, its just like sleeping. You are no longer "in this world". I wish I am wrong, and I wish MJ is on a happy place either way.