Michael's favourite Song?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What is Michael's favourite song he did, I’ve herd different things! I’ve herd its 'Heal The World' - Childhood - Billie Jean and some others.

But do we know what exactly his favourite Song was??
Difficult to say, as he would often name quite a few and they always tended to be ballards, like Heal The World, Childhood, Speechless and Got To Be There (one of my favorites).
I've also heard him say he really likes Dirty Diana.. *shrug* I'm sure he had many faves.
I think that his favorite song that was his own was Heal The World and his favorite that was by somebody else was Smile

He has also said that his favorite short films of his is Smooth Criminal and Thriller. I think he may have liked Smooth Criminal a little bit better but i'm not 100% sure
I heard that of his own work it was Heal The World and Man in the Mirror, She's Out Of My Life and Smile.
Someone as musical as Michael is, I'm sure he has more than one favorite song.
once in an interview someone asked him if he could perform only one song for the rest of his life what would it be? his answer was heal the world. so i know that's definitely one of his favorites.
yeah, Smile was his fav one ;)

the one he liked perfoming best was 'HTW' and 'BJ' :)
I think he said Heal the World was his favourite in that 1995 internet chat.