Michael's Father: He forgave, we can't we?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael forgave his father, he accepted that his father loved him. He dealt with his father's difficulty with human emotion in context with his father's own difficult past. Michael pleaded with all children to love and honor their parents and to forgive them of their transgressions, just as he forgave his father. Now, people are expressing hatred for Joe, blaming him for MJ's problems, saying that he should not be around the grandkids, and accusing him of only caring about Michael for the Money. When I heard this beautiful speech today, I understood. Michael would not want this. I just hope the judge hears this speech when he is deciding on custody. And it shows how little Debbie understood MJ, to use his father as an excuse to take the kids from his mother.
There is nothing to forgive him for from our side, because he didn't do us any harm...

Fact is, Joe was a cruel person back then, and he does seem to be the same money-fixiated cold businessman he always was.

Michael might have forgiven him, but that doesn't mean he thought positive about him, and I really don't think he did. I certainly won't, simply for the fact that Joe has a really bad personality.
I am willing to forgive, I'm in no way saying what he did should be justified or accepted as ok behaviour because I am not. BUT!, Michael needs to be laid at rest let his spirit reach god be peaceful now.

We can never move on in life if we dont forgive. The lives we have are too short. He is bad for what he did but, for Michael's sake I say "Joe Jackson I forgive you"

:) God bless Michael! xxxx
For me at least, this isn't about forgiveness. It's not my place to forgive him for anything. It is my choice to continue to be appalled by his behaviour which I find selfish and inappropriate. And it is my opinion that he shouldn't be the one raising Michael's children. End of story.
lifeismagical I feel the same way as you. Joe, imo, is misunderstood, he tries to not show his emotions. Michael said that his father loved animals like him in his private home videos show. I have no beef with Joe, he raise MJ the way he was raise. I think he probably overrreacted at some points but what parent hasn't said or done something bad to their kids.

When I was younger, I was scared of my mom, I thought she didn't love me. She would always act tough because we had a hard life growing up and she was a single parent. Now that I am older and got to know her, I know why she was hard on me and my brother when we were younger. She wanted us to be respectful, independent people when we grew up. I now understand why my mother raised me and my brother the way she did and I see her as my favorite gal pal now. So I can somewhat understand the situation of MJ and his father.
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BECAUSE HE NEVER APOLOGIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He even denies having abused him.
there is a reason MJ left his dad out of his will. He was never a father. That's why he didn't want to be called Dad. He wanted to be called Joseph.
lifeismagical i agree....michael forgave his father for the past and so do i. as a parent i understand how parents can get stressed out and do the wrong thing....even with good intentions. but -

i think that forgiveness though is separate from his KNOWING his father, and his challenges and faults. he knew joseph is bad with money and of course he would leave $ to katherine but not joseph. that's commonsense! he knew katherine will take care of joseph as necessary but not allow $ to be wasted.
Tarah, I have a similar childhood experience. When I was a child, I swore I'd lose all contact with my mother. I held a lot of resentment towards her. But I decided to focus on the fact that she is human and did her best with what she had, even with all her mistakes. I love when Michael said that he hopes his children don't grow to judge him for his mistakes and he acknowledged that he will make them. This speech touched me so much because it shows me how Michael was able to come to terms with perhaps the most painful aspect of his life - even without his father changing or offering a formal apology. He is even able to see a little Joe in himself - the warrior part.
I really don't have anything personal against Joe Jackson. I just think at times, he has an inflated view of how he sees himself in the eye of the public. I feel that when he makes comments, he is thinking of himself and how he plays a part in a situation instead of looking at the bigger picture at hand. He comes across as defensive and he might have reasons.

As a father, I think he did a damn good job in raising his kids. You never heard the Jackson kids doing anything like breaking the law or getting arrested. You never heard any of the Jackson kids, driving drunk or out in some bar fighting or causing a scene. You never heard any of the Jackson kids, destroying property like hotel rooms. All of the legal problems regarding the Jacksons have been about Michael. In my opinion Michael should have been given the benefit of the doubt when accusation were made against him because you never heard anything bad coming from the Jackson family.

Everyone talks about how Joe treated Michael, but no one ever talks about the other 8 Jackson kids and how he treated them. ALL of them to this day has a relationship with Joe so he can't be that bad of a person. You are talking about kids who the majority are in their 50's so they could have cut him loose a long time ago. Marlon and Jermaine spoke about how strict he was, but they feel that he did a good job in raising them as their father. Michael also said that Joe did a good job. Latoya recanted everything she said about the accusations that she made.

Maybe Joe just need to take a course on how to be tactful.