Michael's fans are really trying to make that change. (Globe Live)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
My friend, a huge Michael Jackson fan has launched a non profit organisation. I hope it's a right place to post it...
This is what they say about their mission:

The idea of creating a new non profit Organization came at the end of 2009, shortly after the premiere of This Is It, Michael Jackson’s movie. Overwhelmed by the happenings that touched us all that year, Michaels passing, many Michaels fans had also a real wake up call what comes to the state of our Planet and our responsibilities for all beings living here.

First people who started to build up Globe Live, were all Michael Jackson fans thrown together on a public forum trying to figure out what had happened to this extraordinary human being. Some uncovered things about MJ the first time, things that brought tears to many eyes; not only was he the greatest entertainer, but also an exceptional humanitarian. Of course this inspired many to get out there and do their part, it all counts, every little smile, every little gesture, nothing is wasted. For some of us the call to do more have lifted us to heights never before felt, Michael Jackson’s fight for a better world has inspired us to bring this on a global scale.
Even out of tragedy, he has continued to inspire, and has kept us together even though we are from different parts of the world, to fulfill this dream of a better place.

After launching the appeal to found a new organization to give all the possibility to start acting for the message, many people presented their willingness to help, but few had the perseverance to continue with the project. From the initial steering group, three remained: Laura (Finland), Tariana (Brazil), and Suzanne (Canada).

After almost two years, fighting to manage our time with our family, career, and volunteering our time, talent and hope to develop the project, on 17th of June 2010 the Globe Live organization was finally created, initially serving in the countries of its founders. By the time of publishing the website, 26th of August 2011 everything was ready for starting to promote the Organization more widely and spreading the word both to MJ fans and to every single heart throughout the World.

Globe Live is an International nonprofit Organization dedicated to educate society about things people can do to make the world a better place to live. We work in four different areas: environmental preservation and Children’s, Human, and Animal rights.
Globe Live is founded in 2010 and registered to National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland 1st of July 2011.

We believe in every Citizens right to act and right to speak their mind. It's actually more than just a right: it's our obligation to to take action if we see injustice. Change is possible if we have the will and motivation to act for the issues we find important. The bigger the issue, the more time it takes to get results. But we are gonna do our share, and we welcome all new members to do the same!

We share a vison of a better World. A World where preserving is valued higher than excessive consumption. A World where we take responsibility of our own actions and where we don't close our eyes if we see injustice. A World without hate, without fear. A place where people see our differencies as our strength and richness. A place were we can walk hand in hand towards this goal and support each others, because we know it is not gonna be easy. But we want to do our share, because closing our eyes and hearts is not what we have been taught to do.

We are interested in co-operating with other already existing Organizations working at the same field. Please feel free to contact us if we haven't contacted You already!

Here is the link to their webpage:
And the link to their facebok page. Feel free to discuss your ideas there.
Didn´t Michael say fans were his best legacy?
We can carry on with his message to heal the world.