Michael's face appears on toast! lol


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
:lol: At first I couldn't see it, but then I half-closed my eyes and it appeared! LOL


"Toast" Ghost of Michael Jackson Appears in Dallas
Reported by: RNS Newsroom Solutions

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2009 @07:30am CST

Is it toast or a ghost? A Dallas man says he's got the likeness of Michael Jackson on a piece of buttered toast.

The anonymous fan of the late pop icon asked photographer Jaxon Cross to capture the image.

The toast has been verified as real and not a Photoshop trick.

For now, Cross is preserving the toast in his freezer but might consider selling it on eBay.

Click here to see the photos posted at his website.

Hey I see it!!!
It's nice, but I wouldn't buy it.. uh!

He really kept it in his fridge.. wouah.. ok...

I would eat it.. only chance to eat MJ.. ok.. I' m out... oops
FINALLY! I've been waiting for this to happen. Praise Jesus. [/sarcasm]
Haha! :upside_down: Even if the butter spontaneously formed MJ's face on the toast, I'm not sure how great an idea it would be to sell it on eBay. Would people actually want to buy pieces of toast on eBay, no matter who seems to be appearing on them? :scratch:
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I think we should have a thread of Michael's apparition, it's kinda funny..

It has to have the cloud, the tree and the toast! And the future ones!
Clearly if Michael Jackson was going to make his presence felt as a ghost, this is how he would do it.

Would you guys be more inclined to believe it if it were jelly?
haha...I saw it right off the bat.
Still seems like something someone made up just for sh*ts and giggles.
Definitely photoshopped.
ok this is hilarious bwaaaaaaaaahahahaha :lmao: I mean, I have an open mind but not that open heehee....so fake....damn that made me lol :rollin:
:lol: At first I couldn't see it, but then I half-closed my eyes and it appeared! LOL


"Toast" Ghost of Michael Jackson Appears in Dallas
Reported by: RNS Newsroom Solutions

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2009 @07:30am CST

Is it toast or a ghost? A Dallas man says he's got the likeness of Michael Jackson on a piece of buttered toast.

The anonymous fan of the late pop icon asked photographer Jaxon Cross to capture the image.

The toast has been verified as real and not a Photoshop trick.

For now, Cross is preserving the toast in his freezer but might consider selling it on eBay.

Click here to see the photos posted at his website.


It would be messed up if you bought it and the butter melted in the packaging. lol