Michael's Earth song monologue...

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Not sure if it has been discussed already: Where does this monlogue come from that can be heard during 'Earth song'? (I mean this segment where he talks about his care about the planet and ends with 'they always say they'll take care of it... they who? It starts with us... it's us.')

I mean, was it prerecorded intentionally so that the audience would hear this during a break, or did they just take it of some talk Michael had with someone during the rehearsals?
It sounded like it was just Michael talking to someone and they used it in the film. it doesn' t seem like it would have been part of the show
I wondered the same thing.

I think it may be recorded especially for that part of the show. It sounds too clean and perfect to be randomly edited in from a conversation they may have caught.
I love it. His voice sounds firm & strong. It's believable and much better than the monologues he used to do after performing Earth Song in the '90s. I think it was recorded intentionally to use during the film as shown on the Grammys.
I love it. His voice sounds firm & strong. It's believable and much better than the monologues he used to do after performing Earth Song in the '90s. I think it was recorded intentionally to use during the film as shown on the Grammys.

I agree. He sounds passionate and sincere. With that beautiful classical music version of ES playing in the background it gives me chills when I watch that part.
i presumed it was gonna be used during the showas part of the whole earth song thing. with the little girl etc. basically as we saw it in the film
Definitely part of the Earth Song Dome Project. In the film for rehearsals they only used small mics on top of the cameras, hence the frequent use of subtitles. Something so crisp must've been captured in a studio.
Definitely part of the Earth Song Dome Project. In the film for rehearsals they only used small mics on top of the cameras, hence the frequent use of subtitles. Something so crisp must've been captured in a studio.

yea ,i think that the audio monologue was recorded as part of the 3D viginette , it was the Message of the whole show , i dont think it could be old , i think it was shown as planned , Mike's intro on how he loves the planet and trees and the color changing of the leaves ... and it was gonna end about how we/us can change the planet and make it a better place and TII its starts now with us .
I was/am really confused about that part. I really can't imagine it being played to the audience during the shows.
I think it was meant to be used right before he performed that song.
I love it. His voice sounds firm & strong.

I agree, his voice sounds crystal clear and the conviction and the passion with which he makes his point is nothing short of amazing. One of the most beautiful moments of the entire movie, bless his beautiful heart.
Definitly NOT part of the show.
Its clearly a recorded conversation.
Hes like explaining things to someone... and speaks fast at parts.
If it would be addressed to a big audience he would speak more slow.
(Like the few worlds before Heal The World at the Superbowl 93) etc.

Also what he says is not really a message...
its an explanation of his motivaion to submit a message.
:eek:fftopic: andy, that siggy of yours is downright fascinating lol. Love your country btw, i've always meant to visit it, i think it's such an amazing place taken out of storybooks with knights and beautiful churches and tales of kings and princes of long ago...; sorry if it's a cliché and you couldn't care less about that kinda stuff, but that's how i see your little islands :cheeky:
^^^I'm only telling the truth, ya know? :cheeky: Hopefully i get to visit Malta at some point in the not so distant future. Btw of fairytales and stuff - earlier today i watched The Glass Slipper, a 1955 musical based of course on the Cinderella story; ok, so it was set in a place more like Bavaria rather than Malta, but you guys still recall legend and great tales lol.

I betta shut it before i totally deserve the :hijacked sign; it seems i have this uncanny ability of always, and i mean alwayssss, veering off topic. :p Please accept my humblest apologies everyone *bows and give the peace sign*