Michael's discomfort


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The other day I heard Michael saying on camera from something like 30+ years ago probably during the Thriller shooting "I am not like normal guys, I am a monster." Those words really made me weep. But when I look at all the things he suffered with and the treatments he was having to go through I can understand why he thought like that. His skin was uncontrollably changing colour, he suffered severe acne since puberty, he had lupus that was causing him to break out into rashes, swellings and joint pain. And that was only the start of his problems.

It really breaks my heart that for decades later he was scrutinised over everything ranging from his physical appearance to his behaviour and rather than trying to understand him, partially because he was a private guy, the media made a mockery out of him and accusing him of partaking in various kinds of treatments made out of science fiction to make him look like some crazed lunatic. I think the worst thing ever to have been accused of in the end was child molestation. He was already being made a joke of in an attempts to ruin him, and that hurt his reputation and his feelings more than everything else put together.

That guy went through so much crap it's amazing that he managed to keep himself together most of the time and was still ready to give one last showdown for his fans with the message of love. Whenever I feel down about things and the way my life has gone I just look up to people like Michael and Jesus and how much scrutiny and malicious slander they went through while all they wanted to do was reach out to the world with the message of love, forgiveness, and acceptance and to be loved in return. I despair at the way humanity is so judgemental, malicious, and ignorant of the unknown. This world needs a lot of love and attention.
Michael was an amazing man.
He went through things a human being shouldn´t have to deal with and I don´t wonder he had to use so strong drugs to be able to sleep.
Music,dance and his believe in god helped him and later his children.

I´m happy for the this is it movie because there we can see him as the nice person he was.
he was just practicing his acting for the Thriller video. He was not referring to himself, he was talking about his character in Thriller that actually transforms into a werewolf. It is when he tells Ola "I'm not like other guys" and then she gushes "of course not! That's why I love you!".

Anyway, he was just practicing.
This is so true. I feel so much pain for Michael. I wish I could have stopped his pain 30 years ago, 20 years ago.. 1 year ago. There was one bad thing after the other, if the facial remarks and the rude comments about his appearence wasnt enough, he had to have 2 accusations on him that took away his pride.

Those people raped Michael Jacksons soul.

I feel for him on so many levels.. Just the physical pains he endured must have been aweful.. And on top of that be in the spotlight. But Michael never stopped, he loved life too much.
Do we know of any other Human being that went through what Michael had to go through in his lifetime from a young age? He definitely had the stamina and endurance. Others would go into hiding or do the unthinkable.
Michael was one of a kind. No one in the history has endured what he endured. This is what attracted me to Michael and I knew he was special, there is no one out there like him and there will never be one with the same persona, story, talent and legacy. Dosnt matter how many records one sell or how early they start entertaining and dancing, no one will ever do it like Michael. And Michael always did it with pride and dignity.
The other day I heard Michael saying on camera from something like 30+ years ago probably during the Thriller shooting "I am not like normal guys, I am a monster." Those words really made me weep. But when I look at all the things he suffered with and the treatments he was having to go through I can understand why he thought like that. His skin was uncontrollably changing colour, he suffered severe acne since puberty, he had lupus that was causing him to break out into rashes, swellings and joint pain. And that was only the start of his problems.

It really breaks my heart that for decades later he was scrutinised over everything ranging from his physical appearance to his behaviour and rather than trying to understand him, partially because he was a private guy, the media made a mockery out of him and accusing him of partaking in various kinds of treatments made out of science fiction to make him look like some crazed lunatic. I think the worst thing ever to have been accused of in the end was child molestation. He was already being made a joke of in an attempts to ruin him, and that hurt his reputation and his feelings more than everything else put together.

That guy went through so much crap it's amazing that he managed to keep himself together most of the time and was still ready to give one last showdown for his fans with the message of love. Whenever I feel down about things and the way my life has gone I just look up to people like Michael and Jesus and how much scrutiny and malicious slander they went through while all they wanted to do was reach out to the world with the message of love, forgiveness, and acceptance and to be loved in return. I despair at the way humanity is so judgemental, malicious, and ignorant of the unknown. This world needs a lot of love and attention.

I totally agree with everything you just said.
Throughout all the media bullying and all those horrid lies Michael NEVER stooped down to the media's level, he did not retaliate. He changed for no one, he remained dignified throughout, that to me is a real man. I admire Michael for being who he was, I admire Michael's strength, although I'm sure at times he did not feel that he had strength in him, he said himself that he was lonely and he was most misunderstood person in the world, at those times he must have felt helpless but I believe Michael had strength in him that he wasn't aware of, but to us the fans it showes. We all have a hero inside of us, who finds the strength to carry on. The hero inside of me is Michael. He keeps me going, he's always there for me, his songs reach out to me.
I think that when the media first started with the cruel rumours and taunts and saw that Michael was not going to be stoped by this and that he would carry on making music and inspiring people and that he was not going to retaliate I think that angered the media so they started a vendetta against him.
I've never heard Michael say that :(. Do you have a link to the video?

It was on TV where I heard it. He was doing an interview in the dressing room and he said those words. I only caught a few seconds of it, wasn't sure if he was talking about himself or describing his character, but the way he said it sounded like he was believing in what he was saying.
The only other person I can think of that endured such pain was Jesus really :(

Tabloid Junkie says it best

It's Slander
You say it's not a sword
But with your pen you torture men
You'd crucify the Lord
And you don't have to read it
And you don't have to eat it
To buy it is to feed it
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual

He took alot of stones being thrown but he was strong and had rhinocerous skin :yes: I cant imagine everything he went through :cry: Even during the trial he really was a fighter. I wish he didnt have to suffer as much as he did. Baby was strong through..
MoeJack, this footage is in Mike's 'Private Home Movies'. :)

He was clearly rehearsing for 'Thriller' as the wereworld when he said "I am a monster" (although yes, in hindsight it is ironic).
Now, the part where he started ranting about how people disrespect him - THAT was Michael speaking about himself.

Anyway, I'm still in awe of how strong Michael was through everything...and how he was able to remain such a good person til the end. Most people would have given up a long time ago...or turned hateful and ugly on the inside.
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The other day I heard Michael saying on camera from something like 30+ years ago probably during the Thriller shooting "I am not like normal guys, I am a monster." Those words really made me weep. But when I look at all the things he suffered with and the treatments he was having to go through I can understand why he thought like that. His skin was uncontrollably changing colour, he suffered severe acne since puberty, he had lupus that was causing him to break out into rashes, swellings and joint pain. And that was only the start of his problems.

It really breaks my heart that for decades later he was scrutinised over everything ranging from his physical appearance to his behaviour and rather than trying to understand him, partially because he was a private guy, the media made a mockery out of him and accusing him of partaking in various kinds of treatments made out of science fiction to make him look like some crazed lunatic. I think the worst thing ever to have been accused of in the end was child molestation. He was already being made a joke of in an attempts to ruin him, and that hurt his reputation and his feelings more than everything else put together.

That guy went through so much crap it's amazing that he managed to keep himself together most of the time and was still ready to give one last showdown for his fans with the message of love. Whenever I feel down about things and the way my life has gone I just look up to people like Michael and Jesus and how much scrutiny and malicious slander they went through while all they wanted to do was reach out to the world with the message of love, forgiveness, and acceptance and to be loved in return. I despair at the way humanity is so judgemental, malicious, and ignorant of the unknown. This world needs a lot of love and attention.

I totally agree with what you had said. Michael was the only person in my life that I had to look up to. Cause I to had suffer a couple of the same problems that Michael had suffer. I had severe acne when I was in my teens. And I suffered from really bad eczema when I was younger. I totally had no control over it. And because of it the other kids made me look like I was some kind of a monster that they wanted to avoid. Which would explain why I had no friends when I was little. Well all except for me and my Barbie and Ken dolls. At least with them they didn't care what I had looked like. Which was why I was always playing with them when I was little. I still have my eczema now especially on my hands. Where it can be really bad during the cold weather months. But I have it some what under control now. Which is why I love and miss Michael so much now. Cause I do know what it was like for him in away.