Michaels different in last months


Proud Member
Jun 22, 2009
hi i was looking at the announcment of the this is it concerts in march and then at the this is it movie *june*

he is so different i know he lost some weight but also his shoulders are so much thinner. And im not talking about plastic sur. so thats not what i mean.. im just seeing almost two different people.. and i was wondering if you see what i mean? the children must have seen that and im wondering if they were conserned about him. Maybe later in there lives they talk about it. What they experienced what they saw.. and knew.. i know its not a thing for the case against murray its just something im thinking about for a few months now, and i decided to put it in a thread.. i dont have pics but then you see the differents... it feels sad for me...

i mean it al with respect so hope u all will reply with respect too..
it's really in the eye of the beholder. you should see some Thriller photos..off the wall photos...it's just a reality. seeing isn't always believing. some see a thinner MJ in those early eras, and others in later eras. if everybody saw the exact same thing, then there might be a case..but even then, the case would be slim to none, as even in science and all things in life, the eyes have been known to deceive. it may seem like oversimplifying, but it really is likened to the same principle that causes no two people to see the same subject the same way. no two women see Brad Pitt as the same kind of handsome. and another doesn't even think he is handsome.
it's really in the eye of the beholder. you should see some Thriller photos..off the wall photos...it's just a reality. seeing isn't always believing. some see a thinner MJ in those early eras, and others in later eras. if everybody saw the exact same thing, then there might be a case..but even then, the case would be slim to none, as even in science and all things in life, the eyes have been known to deceive. it may seem like oversimplifying, but it really is likened to the same principle that causes no two people to see the same subject the same way. no two women see Brad Pitt as the same kind of handsome. and another doesn't even think he is handsome.

Yes I agree. I have said this before on this forum, but we are looking at Michael's thinness in light of his death. Many are connecting his thinness with his death. I was around during the thriller years and I was amazed when I lately saw Say Say Say video how thin Michael was. The funny thing was that when I looked at the video when it came out originally, I did not even think he was thin. There has been instances in which he got thinner and no one became alarmed by it. There are pictures of Michael in the 70's, 80's 90's that show him very thin, and in Say Say Say he is definitely thinner than in This IS IT. Look at his arms, wrists, face, and neck. Yet he looks healthy to me.

I am sorry for those who feel sad because he was thin.
he also was very thin around 1999.
He looks almost exactly the same to me in TII as Michael & Friends Charity Concerts.

he also was very thin around 1999.
He looks almost exactly the same to me in TII as Michael & Friends Charity Concerts.


now here is another study on eye deception. if you wanted to, and if you tried hard enough, you might be able to convince me that the second photo is that of an impersonator. for a flash of a moment, that is what i thiught. and i'm still wondering, a bit, because of what appears to me to be a lengthier face. boy...all the magic tricks Michael could pull, back then...

and in your siggy pics, d12, where he wears the shades from, the
early 2000's, he looks mega skinny...TII skinny.
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Michael never eats with he rehearses because he thinks it will affect the way he performs, hence why Michael normally looses weight.

This just shows you his dedication.
he also was very thin around 1999.
He looks almost exactly the same to me in TII as Michael & Friends Charity Concerts.
True, I think it was normal for MJ to have weight oscillations because there was a period in 1989/1990 when he was really thin too.
thats true, but he was much jonger then, so i think i see it with age too..
And i know for a fact that raped weight loss is not good for your health system or immuunsystem, because not only fatcels are gone but muscle and other for energy. because the body is not adjusted it goes in a modus for distress or urgenty.. *dont know the exact english word* because of that it is i thought of mine.. that he was more likely to act wrong on the propofol and had a higher change of side effects from the propofol. Not that thats a issue because resp. arrest in a save zone is not a problem with al the equipment.. so his weight did not kill him im not saying that.. murray killed him.. but somethings i think maybe and a little maybe *ridiculous ofcourse* he still be alive is did not loos the weight before that night...

And i agree with u that everybody sees pictures different. Good point. *i dont find brad pitt hansome :S *
thats but somethings i think maybe and a little maybe *ridiculous ofcourse* he still be alive is did not loos the weight before that night...

And i agree with u that everybody sees pictures different. Good point. *i dont find brad pitt hansome :S *

I am worried about you. This weight thing seems to be making you extremely down. May I suggest that you do not dwell to much on the possibility that because he was thinner he had a more drastic reaction to the Prop. You are magnifying your pain by doing this. It may help if you see his death as more due to Murray's negligence and actions, and if you look at many thin pictures of Michael before 2009, the reality that he was thinner and survived, will give you some comfort. Keep thinking that thinness did not kill him. Murray would like to say that by saying that Michael did not eat so had a bad reaction to his medicine. Remember Murray kept saying he did not give him anything that would kill him, so do not give him that satisfaction.

Your posts are deeply sad, and I hope you are OK. Maybe you should try to avoid these aspects that are making you down.
I agree, Petrarose, best thing to do is to take the mind off of such depressing thoughts. I can also align them with psychological warfare on behalf of the media.

I agree, Petrarose, best thing to do is to take the mind off of such depressing thoughts. I can also align them with psychological warfare on behalf of the media.


That thought crossed my mind before. Whenever there's some MJ documentary/report, the 911 call gets played mercilessly (note to producers: NOOOO! You are not the first one to think that it's creative to start a documentary with the 911 call, only to ask - but what happened that day?? Seen that done a million times by now), you see three different shots of his coffin and sometimes to top it off you'll see footage of him being held up by his bodyguards going into court.

There are countless 911 calls in this country- yet this one gets airplay as if it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I feel for his children especially.

That is upsetting, no matter how much time passes.
yes,you are a little bitt right,Michael was happy in the last 2-3 month...he was finally free and ready to make some dreams come true:)
At that time during the This Is It announcement I never really took much notice of how he had looked. Only because I was having my own health problems at the time is why I didn't take any notice of it. Or thought anything about it except that I was happy he was going to do more concerts. But I sure wish I did notice though. But since you have mention it he did look thinner during that announcement than before.
I think Michael was conflicted himself about TII. That is my most honest opinion.
I think he wanted it..for his fans and kids. But I also think that he would be happiest if he just did what he wanted to do...movies and music.
I think Michael was conflicted himself about TII. That is my most honest opinion.
I think he wanted it..for his fans and kids. But I also think that he would be happiest if he just did what he wanted to do...movies and music.

I agree, or at least maybe retire all together and just spend time with the kids.
I think Michael was conflicted himself about TII. That is my most honest opinion.
I think he wanted it..for his fans and kids. But I also think that he would be happiest if he just did what he wanted to do...movies and music.

I think you are right, just reread Moonwalk & it struck me how much he wanted to do movies, even in 1984. He kept getting sidetracked, unfortunately.
I think you are right, just reread Moonwalk & it struck me how much he wanted to do movies, even in 1984. He kept getting sidetracked, unfortunately.

I can't say thats unfortunete. Because if he really wanted to, he could have. But he decided to continue with music,and i'm glad..cause otherwise we would've never had gems like Bad, Dangerous and HIStory.
I can't say thats unfortunete. Because if he really wanted to, he could have. But he decided to continue with music,and i'm glad..cause otherwise we would've never had gems like Bad, Dangerous and HIStory.

I do love those albums - but he did want to do movies & I'm sure they would have been great.