Michael's Dancing this summer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dont know if this has been brought up but. . obviously Jackson is now 50. . I feel the dancing will be QUALITY OVER QUANTITY and more suttle less physically taxing dance moves as singing may be near impossible to sing LIVE to Billie Jean or Thriller. . What do you people think?

I do believe the name of the game is quality over quanity. Well timed and well placed dance moves look much better than just continual dancing that's sub par. The biggest problem i've had is that I along with everyone else in the world doesn't have much else to base on what his current skills look like. He could be horrible, or b/c of all the rest over these years he could be at the top of his game.

Since the last long performance we have of his is MSG.....there could be room for worries, but I don't think so. One of the biggest problems I had with MSG was the production value SUCKED. Costumes sucked, dancers stunk, and the stage was bland and boring. I expect MJ with good costumes, some kind of light effects, great stage sets, and great backup dancers. The high production value of the concerts alone will make his dancing look much better than it did at MSG.
Michael was sick during MSG. It was clear to look at him that he wasn't at his best physically. Even still, his dancing was good. Not his best, but it was good.

Michael will be fine. Michael's energy level's on stage have always been off the charts. One thing you'll notice when watching past performances of his is that he never actually stops moving. Even when he isn't dancing in structure or performing an actual step, he's strutting across the stage. Not just walking, but moving with intensity. Whether he'll do that now is anyone's guess. Maybe he'll actually take rest periods where he'll simply sing a song while standing still. Maybe. But I also think Michael has a hard time resisting some kind of movement. I mean, this is the same guy who will bust out a move or two while performing "Heal the World".

The other thing people should realize about Michael's dancing though is that it always has been quality over quantity and subtle steps which comprised his style. He isn't like some of these idiots today who try to execute as many steps as they can during one performances and make them big and dumb, like doing back flips or spinning around on their head. Michael's genius as a dancer is that he's able to take simple, minuet steps and make them look more spectacular then anything an athletic dancer can produce. The way Michael will move any part of his body just a fraction of a centermeter, but do it with so much precisian and power that it looks like the earth just shifted, that's part of what seperates him from being just a good dancer and being a great dancer.

It's because he's supremely coordinated and rhythmic that he's able to do that. He's insanely gifted physically. So based on that, outside of the chorographed routines he does, I think Michael will be able to conserve more energy then we realize and he should be fine. With choreographed numbers, Michael, in one off performances, applies that same control and power in to each step. On tour, when he tends to get tired, he doesn't have the strength to keep that up on each step like he would otherwise. So maybe he'll cut it down to a few, key choreographed sequences which will allow him to put more energy in to it each night and come off looking as sharp and powerful as he regularly would.
Michael will be fine. Michael's energy level's on stage have always been off the charts. One thing you'll notice when watching past performances of his is that he never actually stops moving. Even when he isn't dancing in structure or performing an actual step, he's strutting across the stage. Not just walking, but moving with intensity. Whether he'll do that now is anyone's guess. Maybe he'll actually take rest periods where he'll simply sing a song while standing still. Maybe. But I also think Michael has a hard time resisting some kind of movement. I mean, this is the same guy who will bust out a move or two while performing "Heal the World".

I'm sorry, but this screams "Quote Me"...

Michael is an amazing performer...baby boy never stops moving and that's what sets him apart from other performers, from both the past and the present...No one moves like Michael Jackson! Whatever else, Michael will put on an amazing performance that will leave the audience wanting more...and that's all he has to do. He may be 50, but he can still move you like no other and if MSG is any example he won't disappoint.
Thanks for the replies. Im just wondering what the vocal quality will be like along with the dancing as in 2001/2002 when he sung a few lines live after dancing (Dangerous- american bandstand 2002) he sounded incredibly out of breath.

Im hoping the people in charge are investing a lot of money in Michaels training
I bet he's practising alot, this will turn out just amazing.
wannabestartinsomthin21 said:
Michael will be fine. Michael's energy level's on stage have always been off the charts. One thing you'll notice when watching past performances of his is that he never actually stops moving. Even when he isn't dancing in structure or performing an actual step, he's strutting across the stage. Not just walking, but moving with intensity. Whether he'll do that now is anyone's guess. Maybe he'll actually take rest periods where he'll simply sing a song while standing still. Maybe. But I also think Michael has a hard time resisting some kind of movement. I mean, this is the same guy who will bust out a move or two while performing "Heal the World".

The other thing people should realize about Michael's dancing though is that it always has been quality over quantity and subtle steps which comprised his style. He isn't like some of these idiots today who try to execute as many steps as they can during one performances and make them big and dumb, like doing back flips or spinning around on their head. Michael's genius as a dancer is that he's able to take simple, minuet steps and make them look more spectacular then anything an athletic dancer can produce. The way Michael will move any part of his body just a fraction of a centermeter, but do it with so much precisian and power that it looks like the earth just shifted, that's part of what seperates him from being just a good dancer and being a great dancer.
Girl I knew you would post something great soon as I only saw the title of the thread:yes: You hit the nail on the head. I agree with you on the whole post and esp. the bolded part got me saying "Exactly!"

You know what? The performance that some say "his worst">>>>>many other dancers' best. Why? He's a natural who luuuuvs dancing to death and that's where the magic starts. I've always thought it's a blessing that he's never been trained in dancing. I believe he could grow to be this inspirational dancer thanks largely to that.
I'm more worried about the backup dancers than Michael. He's the best in movement.

i think michael will definitly be at the top of his game no doubt about it! and i think that he will get us 50% of both singing and dancing making up a 100% spectacular show!!!!

most likely when singing the fast songs he will lip sing and then he will most likely sing the ballads live!!! (i hope and pray ^_^)
I won't notice the back-up dancers really, my eyes will be glued on Michael :) but geeee i bet the back-up dancers are happy to be working with Michael!

I'm gonna let this out now I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! 26TH OF JULY! BUT I HAVE NOOOO IDEA WHAT TO EXPECT! i really don't know!
I won't notice the back-up dancers really, my eyes will be glued on Michael :) but geeee i bet the back-up dancers are happy to be working with Michael!

I'm gonna let this out now I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! 26TH OF JULY! BUT I HAVE NOOOO IDEA WHAT TO EXPECT! i really don't know!