Michael's Connection To The Children


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brooklyn NY
Okay this is a long story, so I was watching this cartoon called "The Winx Club" where there are these fairy girls, and there was one episode where their magic pixies came with them to earth, but only the Winx girls can see the pixies...BUT there were alot of children who were able to see them and the pixies wondered why, and the girl Bloom said "It's because children can see the magic" or something like that.

So I was thinking about this the other day because my nephew who just turned 1 in October loves MJ, it's just so strange because the night Michael died we were watching the "Earth Song" video and I was holding him in my lap and at first his eyes were just glued to the TV and then he looked up at me and smiled.

This happened again when I purchased my 25th anniversary Vinyl and everytime he comes over he makes me take it off of the wall for him to see it, he looked at the Vinyl and then he looked at my posters on the wall with a huge smile on his face and then he kissed the Vinyl.
When I ride with him and his mother in the car the only thing that will keep him quiet is Michael Jackson music.

So on New Year's eve I spent the night in my room watching MJ stuff instead of partying and then my sister brought him into the room and we were watching "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" and he had this huge smile on his face and then he started trying to say "WHOOOOOOO!!!!" and he even tries to sing the chorus to "Rock With You" in his baby words lol.

So after seeing this I remember how amazed my nephew was when he first saw him and how much my niece adores him and how green with envy she is as she watches him. She's only 6 and she knows soooo much about him, even little things that I don't notice.

I also remember being a child and being glued to the TV and being taken by not only his talent, but his charm.

I just notice how children even at such young ages become attached to him, even when he was here I feel like he made us feel important and loved and he talked to us but now in spirit I do think he speaks to the youngins because Michael loved children so much.

Sorry for this long story lol
OMG, that is so sweet, and very true...I believe Michael did really have a special connection to children...In his Dancing the Dream book, the one called "A Child is a Song" I LOVE how explains how children inspire him with regards to his music...It's really beautiful and awe-inspiring the way he explains it....People should read it if they don't understand his fascination with children...